Chapter: 313
[Chimera Research 10%]
The creature had dark-green eyes that didn’t glow, and each of them were like a solid ball of glass; quite different to the skeletons which had gaseous non-physical eyes that slightly illuminated their wolf skulls.
The spine of the snake-like creature was blue with white ribs that ran along each side of its body; the head was a soap rat skill that was now modified and warped.
The necrotic gases warped and stretched it longer, making its jaw much skinnier. It more closely resembled the skull of a small crocodile.
“Interesting… I guess it prefers a smaller skull?”
After seeing how long and slender the skull was now, Jay doubted that it would even want to use a wolf skull; The silt-wolves had much wider and bigger heads compared to the soap rats.
The helminth coiled its body and raised its head up, staring at Jay; it seemed like a dancing cobra as it gazed at him with its dark-green eyes.
Jay only gazed back, wondering what it was going to do.
It seemed like it wasn’t waiting for orders, but was analysing its master. It was like it was trying to work out Jay’s intentions.
Suddenly, it dived underground.
Jay was confused why it did this, but he could sense it now that he had the necrotic sense passive skill.
He looked in its direction as it seemed to swim through the earth; it was heading towards the bone pile that was being gathered from one of Jay’s skeletons.
Jay decided to wait and see what would happen rauther than to stop it.
Suddenly, a bone was pulled underground. It happened quickly and quietly. Jay wouldn’t have noticed unless he was looking directly at it. Not even a sound was made.
Next, he sensed that the snake-like creature was coming back to him.
It was right under his feet when suddenly it’s pointy skull poked out of the ground. In between its jaws was a bone.
The creature looked at Jay, seemingly with anticipation as it held the bone.
“Oh? This is for me?” Jay reached down and grabbed it. “Thankyou…?” he raised a brow.
The serpent then squirmed for a moment, and another bone appeared in its mouth. It had regurgitated a second bone.
“Oh?” Jay hesitated for a moment, but after closer inspection, the bone didn’t have any goo or bile on it, so he grabbed it with a smile too.
The helminth snapped its jaws a few times which made a noise, and dived back underground.
It repeated the process of bringing nearby bones to its master, but Jay decided to just walk over to the bone pile and re-summon his perennial skeleton.
The bone worm could only carry two bones at a time, so this would have taken too much time otherwise.