Chapter: 315
Jay felt like instinctively ducking for cover, but soon he realised the sound was coming from everywhere as he looked around.
Hundreds of head-shaped green glowing clouds floated in seemingly through every wall.
“Aaaaa~~” they made soft exhaling sounds as they floated past.
Jay looked more closely at them. Their eyes were glazed over and fixated on the ball of necrotic energy that left Jay’s hand; they all had their mouths open as if they wanted to consume it – but after getting too close, they only became part of it and made it bigger.
These ethereal faces made whispering sounds as they passed by. One of them even flew through Jay’s chest towards the gathering thick cloud; it was like he was invisible to them.
Jay decided to remain quiet, he felt a strange sense of ceremony surrounding it, that it was better to keep quiet – but he still had a single thought the whole time.
“What the fuck… what the fuck… what the… – what the fuck?” his eyes were wide open now.
He had a relatively calm expression compared to his inner thoughts.
“Why do they have faces… shouldn’t they be skulls? What the hell… that one has flowing hair…”
These floating heads entered the orb and swirled around it for a moment; at one point some of them poked their faces out with looks of fear on their faces. It was like they were trying to escape now.
After being lured in like bugs to the light, they were now like moths in the flame; utterly consumed by it.
The whispering sound was slowly dying down now as the few last ethereal heads entered the massive ball of luminous green gas.
It was swirling and spinning, but suddenly, it froze as if it paused in time.
“AHHHH!!~ RAAAA!!~ AAAA!!~” what sounded like hundreds of screaming voices suddenly came from it as the massive cloud of necrotic mana contracted for a moment.
The orb then released a pulse of green light and the voices were gone.
Jay didn’t have time to react and would have tried to block, but his shield was in pieces – thankfully the green pulse didn’t harm him, and after realising he was unharmed he continued to watch.
After the luminous green light left, all that was left was a black floating orb of gas which started to move again. Jay still felt like it was his own mana even though it was no longer green, and he continued to remain silent as he watched the black cloud before him.
It began to condense and contract, getting smaller and smaller. It went from being the size of Jay’s butcher shop to being the size of one of his skeletons – and it was getting smaller still.
Jay could walk closer now that it was shrinking in size, but out of his cautiousness he didn’t get too close; what was happening was a complete unknown.
After a while it began to slow down as it became solid, finally it was about the size of a child’s fist.
After being shaped into an oval it grew some small tendrils all over it; they almost seemed like hairs except that they were rhythmically moving, each one of them as long as a finger and as skinny as an arrow.
Slowly, it began to float towards Jay.
“Oh.. shit. Wait…” Jay backed up and quickly pulled out a luminous orb. He wanted to look at it before he would touch it.
To Jay, it seemed like as soon as it touched him it would burrow under his skin and start eating him from the inside out.
The light from his luminous orb revealed a wrinkled black seed-like object covered in tiny long hair-like tentacles.