Chapter: 319
Immediately, Jay decided to activate the stone and input his details – of course, he changed his level to 9.

<[Status Concealer]>

[Input Name][Jay]

[Input Level][9]


The yellow stone suddenly turned black, and a yellow glow appeared over Jay’s body for a moment before disappearing.

Jay stored the stone in his inventory, still grinning to himself.

“Well, with the second pyramid down, I better go and see if Viladore’s ready for my lesson.”

Jay decided to leave his skeletons to hunt more soul stones. He had all his minions stand before him, double-checked that all his skeletons were back to full health before leaving the dungeon, but as he turned to his bone helminth, he paused.

“Hmm, I recall you have a second form… Sentinel form was it? Let’s give it a try.”

The necrotic worm parasite snapped its jaws a few times before it coiled its body into a threatening spring shape and diving at Jay.

Jay didn’t expect it to pounce at him, it was suddenly like a spear that someone threw and it was heading right towards his neck.

“Oh~” he took a step back, trying to supress his urge to block it.

The creature coiled around his neck and the familiar necrotic gas formed around its body as it began to glow green.

The necrotic mana of its body mostly left each of its bones, separating from them as it formed an ethereal-snake which wrapped around Jay’s neck and suddenly disappeared – though Jay could still feel its presence.

“Huh… but what about the bones”

As for its physical bone body, each of the bones were then separated and dispersed on different parts of Jay’s clothes, forming a rough sort of armour across the fabric..

Jay pursed his lips as he looked at the flimsy bones.

“It seems kind of pathetic,” he thought.

He looked like he had covered his clothes in random bits of fish bone, like some kind of crazy homeless man that lived under a bridge.

It was obvious to Jay now that he needed some armour, as it made the bones look a bit pathetic clinging onto his tunic, however with armour they would act as reinforcement.

Suddenly, as if responding to his thoughts, the bones all floated once more and gathered around the front of his chest. The bones morphed, squeezed, melded and coalesced, forming a large round dark-blue amulet with a white chain.

“That’s more like it… hmm, did it read my thoughts?” he smiled, then realised he may have offended his unique minion.

“Oh… sorry. I’m sure it will be good if I got more armour… or if you got more bones. We’ll get you big and strong in no time.” Jay encouraged his new creature. He wasn’t sure if it was responding to his thoughts or if this was more like a command from his will.