Chapter: 323
“Now, you probably won’t be able to sense very far, and that will get better with practice, but the way to sense things is simple – you look for the void. The absence of the feeling. Since mana can pass through inanimate objects, it will only tell you the presence of things that are circulating either their own mana or blocking mana, which can be anything from mana crystals, certain trees, and of course other adventurers.”

“Now, try to sense me.” Viladore floated forward towards Jay.

After a few minutes Jay finally felt like he stabilised the feeling, and could now try to analyse his surroundings.

To Jay, it seemed like there was a hollow gap in the water-feeling, and he slowly pointed at Viladore.

“Good. Remember to keep practising this, even while you’re walking home. Soon you will be able to sense further and will start to do it naturally.”

“I see.” Jay decided to keep concentrating while Viladore continued his lesson.

“Now, I know you’re going to want to keep using your mana sense, but I don’t want the next lesson to be slow, so just don’t.” Viladore said with a slight smile, knowing exactly what Jay was thinking. He then dispersed the ambient mana so that it would be ever harder for Jay to sense.

Jay internally sighed and stopped trying.

“Now..” Viladore pulled out a red stick from his inventory and handed it to Jay.

Jay analysed the stick as he grabbed it.

<[Vibrance Wand]>

[Spell channel Tier 1]

“This stick is similar to the green crystals you will have found in the Carter’s Demise dungeon last week. We use it to channel spells.”

“Similar to the spell you learnt last time, you channel your mana into it – except instead of launching the tooth, the mana exists on the other side, creating the spell effect.”

“You can’t use spells that require ingredients with these, but you can increase a spell’s potency.”

Viladore began to channel a small spell in his bare hand, a blueish-white arrowhead shape was formed from his mana, which he launched at a target-rock.

*shh – DOON~*

The spell created a small shockwave around it as it hit the rock, and a few of the smaller pebbles around the rock’s base were pushed away.

Next, he took out a second red wand and began channelling the exact same spell.

“I’m using the same amount of mana for this.” he glanced at Jay.

The blueish-white arrowhead shaped spell appeared, but this time it seemed to have more defined edges, as if it was more in focus somehow. Jay could tell with a single look that it was much more threatening now.

With a flick of his wrist, Viladore released the spell.


The spell smashed against the rock and a small gust of wind was kicked up from it. The pebbles around the base of the rock were all pushed away and the large target-rock was also moved a few centimetres.

Jay’s mouth was agape from the shocking difference before a smile began to form on his face. He was excited to try this.