Chapter: 337
Technically he didn’t conquer the first pyramid, but he didn’t let the truth ruin a good story.

Jay only nodded in response as he looked towards the entrance of the pyramid – He already answered her question, there was no point saying yes again.

No exit opened up behind the stone throne so they would need to backtrack.

Anya read his body language and took out her crossbow, clearing the shock out of her system and getting ready.

She decided in her mind that she would not be a hindrance to Jay.

“Let’s move.” Jay said, heading back towards the entrance of the pyramid through the circles of light.

Anya tried to hide her smile as she stepped over the large toppled statues, a sign of a fierce past battle.

One statue was completely unidentifiable but she could tell that it was huge, even though all that remained now was dust, pebbles and rubble.

She hadn’t stepped foot inside this pyramid yet, so she was trying to study everything.

It seemed like a simple pyramid by the looks of it; there were no trap doors or winding twists and turns, so she didn’t bother to ask Jay for any tips about it – of course, this was a huge mistake.

As Jay exited the pyramid, the black highway came into view – filled with more rubble of past battles.

A fire was slowly rising inside Anya’s belly as she could only imagine fighting through these blockades of stone statues.

The giant pillars on each side only made it seem like the battle was that much more glorious; just the sight made her feel energised, roaring for battle.

Suddenly, Anya crouched on one knee and aimed at something approaching them; it was coming at high speed, she had to act fast.

“Wait.” Jay held his hand up, knowing what she was aiming at.

Jay’s skeleton, Sweeper, was bringing him a soul stone as it dashed through the ruined city and over destroyed buildings.

[17.5 Exp][17.5 Exp]

The other three skeletons killed two more statues as they waited.

Jay was only getting half as much exp now that Anya was here, he didn’t mind it too much as he got plenty of exp while he slept anyway. The real problem for Jay was when it came to the boss fights; Jay would need more firepower, and the skeletons just didn’t quite cut it.

Anya however had a different reaction to the free experience.

She had only been in this dungeon for 10 minutes and already it was like they killed two statues – though neither had done so much as lift a finger in battle.

She was trying to hide her shock, and a small part of her felt like she owed Jay something.

Since the second pyramid had no passage through it, they now had to walk around.

“Alright. We’re going to head to the third pyramid. I’ll bring the skeletons back so we can push safely together.” Jay said leisurely.

“Sounds like a plan.” Anya followed his lead.