Chapter: 340
The crossbow was thicker and packed a bigger punch, and the foot handle was necessary from the sheer power of the crossbow. It also allowed faster reloading, as now too hands could be used to pull the drawstring back.

Anya’s bolts received an upgrade as well, each of them were longer to fit the larger bow, and had thicker tips made from a type of hardened steel.

On various parts of her light leather armour were small throwing knives for easy access and situational use.

Jay had looked at it a few times, he wondered what the light-blue rails were for.

“Perhaps they are some kind of charging or imbuing mechanism?” he thought as he looked at it.

Obviously it was one of those powerful items that Sullivan would have gifted her.

Jay and Anya stepped off the highway so that they didn’t start the first battle and hid safely in some nearby ruins.

Jay took out the three pieces of his shield, he wasn’t sure how to fix it so it was really a guessing game at this point; sitting down, he began the repair process.

He pushed the three parts together and added some necrotic mana to it; green gas swirled around it for a moment but nothing happened, though the mana didn’t dissipate or linger, so it had to be going somewhere.


He just decided to add even more of his swirling sickly-green mana, concentrating it. This seemed like it did the trick as the pieces began to float and the eyes on the shield glowed with resurrected life once more.

The three pieces floated around each other, and soon some thin ethereal arteries began connecting each piece together, pulling them closer.

Jay continued to add mana until the process was over, and he could feel the shield still absorbing everything around it.

The three pieces pulled each other closer and glowed as mana was funnelled into them, soon the tear between them was healed and the shield was whole again.

The veins and arteries on the shield were once more brimming with the necrotic glowing mana again as the eyes on the shield gazed at Jay, its master.

“Welcome back” Jay thought as he grabbed it while it was still floating in mid air.

[Death Walkers Sentry Repaired]

Immediately he equipped it, and it squeezed his arm once.

“I guess it missed me too?” he almost chuckled; Anya was watching so he kept these thoughts and chuckles to himself.

Sweeper finally got back with another soul stone, and Jay willed it to stop its collection duty. In total it had collected 6 more for Jay.

There were still some more stones out there but they didn’t really matter too much to Jay, after all, he could simply reset the dungeon, go to sleep, and wake up the next day to a large batch of them.

“Alright. I’m ready and the skeletons are looking healthy. Let’s move” he said, standing up from the stone slab he was sitting on.

*Doon doon doon*

It was like a deep slow war drum, building up an anxious pressure for battle within the hearts of anyone who would hear it.