Chapter: 355
– Consumes (soul stones) to grow stronger

– Has become immortal due to the nature of it’s prey

[Dire Blades]

– The dihexapede slashes its target with its sabre talons

– 141 damage per successful leg slash.

[Brittle Armour]

– 40% damage reduction to slashing, stabbing damage.

– 20% more damage taken from crushing damage.

[Helvetia’s Revenge]

– Magic damage immune.

– Any wielded weapons become cursed.


[A soldier of the Helvetian kingdom, turned to stone. It stands guard, waiting for its chance to exact revenge on those who would harm its kingdom.]

Noises of its tapping sword-like feet got quieter as Jay and Anya stood there silently; it was moving at a high speed up the passageway.

A few red lights came from the passageway – the creature caused the crystal rings to turn red as it went through.

Suddenly a deep grinding sound came from the passageway, it seemed that the creature had triggered something.

They both breathed a quiet sigh of relief as it clearly wasn’t interested in them.

“What…” Anya asked, unblinking with her eyes wide open.

“It could have killed us in one hit.” Jay shook his head, he had no answers.

Anya bit her lip as she shook her head, she almost couldn’t believe what she just saw; much more scared than Jay who still appeared almost normal.

Jay continued “My analysis said it’s a helvetian soldier… but it definitely wasn’t… That much is clear. It didn’t attack us either, which I think is more strange.”

“Just what the hell was that thing?” Jay wondered to himself, still a little shocked – though a part of him was also curious. He wanted to see it again.

He could have just met his death, but all he was thinking about was the interesting monster.

The creature’s skills made it seem like a mix of a failed experiment and a helvetian soldier. Similar to his skeletons, it too had retained some skills from whatever – or whoever – it was made out of.

A shiver went over Jay as he realised he could have just been killed.