Chapter: 358
Anyas light was coming closer, along with the skeletons which he was sensing, and finally she exited the passage.

“Hi!” Jay smiled.

Anya jumped back and held her hands up, completely startled.

“Don’t do that.” she pouted.

“Heh, sorry. Find anything interesting?” He took out his orb again.

“Ah.. I found the pit, the one from the murals? I think… It’s filled with skeletons.” she said, hesitantly. Her face was a little pale – perhaps it was from the smell, the skeletons in the pit, or from Jay scaring her. Maybe a mixture of all three.

Of course, Jay only heard ‘pit full of skeletons’. He didn’t need to know anything else as he turned to go into the passageway.

“Awesome, I’m going in.”

“Ok.. and did you find anything interesting?”

“Nope. Just a bunch of junk that crumbles when you touch it.”

“Aw ok.” Anya said, she headed towards the large tanks to see the life forms inside.

Jay walked with a spring in his step towards the pit, it seemed that he was going to be ok on skeletons for a while.

His mind was more focused on the skeletons now, so it seemed like the smell was getting less powerful.

Neither Jay or Anya could compare the smell to anything, but the closest description of the smell was like a mix of ammonia and rotting eggs with some rotting fruit undertones.

It seems that centuries had passed, and whatever was used to preserve the bodies had long since decomposed and evaporated. The rotting process began and the smell had only concentrated over time as it was locked away in this dark underground chamber.

Jay had no hesitation as he walked through the passage towards the pit, undeterred by the smell.

Finally he arrived in the room, walking out onto a semi-circle platform that overlooked everything.

“Woah…” he said, shocked at how large this chamber was.

The pit was gigantic, and Jay had to pause for a moment as he gazed at a sea of pale white bones below him.

Unfortunately, his light was not doing justice to what he saw, and most of the skeletons in the pit were still hidden in the darkness.

The pit must have been huge, because he couldn’t see any other walls in this room.

Jay was curious, and he had an idea, finding a use for one of the faded orbs.

He took the small orb from his inventory and added as much mana as he could into it.

The orb only responded by slightly glowing like a large firefly, but this was enough for Jay’s purposes.

“Ok, here it goes.” he grasped the orb and stood back.