Chapter: 39
“Weird… It’s not much different from the other soap rats – well, except for its massive health and its dangerous passive ability. And those big-ass fangs. Maybe it’s better at fighting, like that other level 3 soap rat… I should come up with a plan.”

The rat was about the size of a cow, it’s belly scraped the ground as it walked while half of it’s long tail was still in the burrow. It had 2 large fangs pointing out from the middle of it’s top jaw, while it’s fur was thick – filled with slime, green mold and decaying wood. If you looked closely, you could even see small mushrooms nestled in some parts of its fur.

Jay decided to get the Don’s to circle around to the other side of the clearing. Entering the clearing first, he got the fat rat’s attention.

“Hey! Rat!” Jay was not very creative with his taunt, but it worked.

The rat stopped chewing on the corpse, dropping it from it’s jaws and stepping on it as if it was just another decaying log. It hissed at Jay as it’s fur on it’s back rose.

Jay noticed a slight mist around Molodus. Jay took another few steps forward as he controlled the Don’s to break cover and attack Molodus from behind. Molodus charged at Jay before the Don’s could attack, so the ambush failed.

Jay dodged the charge, stepping to the side as he slashed at its side.


Likewise, Jay took 1 damage after coming into contact with the rat’s toxic aura, his skin burning slightly.

The Don’s caught up to Jay, bones rattling. As the giant rat turned around, they pounced on it, but slid off due to its fur.

The rat clawed at one of the Don’s as they got up to attack it.

The Don didn’t suffer a bleed since it was undead and had no blood – instead, it was merely slowed down before retaliating with a bite and endless claw attacks. The other feeble creature had already started attacking; damage numbers started appearing above the rat’s head.





Each feeble creature could do 2-3 damage per second, but the rat king wasn’t going to let them just attack for free.

Turning to the side, it planted a foot on a Don, a cracking sound coming from the feeble creature’s ribs. The pressure forced the hunch out of the feeble creature’s back, making it go flat and straighten up – though it didn’t seem to take any notice of the pain, which surprised the rat, as it never stopped attacking – Its attacks being just as fast as the other minion.


Annoyed, it smashed it’s large tail against the other feeble creature – sending it flying off into the swamp.

“Hmm, guess I better step in”

Running at the rat, Jay twirled his knife and stabbed at the rat’s forearm. Pulling it back, the feeble creature was released – it continued to bite and claw at the rat.


