Chapter: 397
“Dammit.. Come on…” he crouched down, holding his gauntlet to the bottom of the door; he closed his eyes and pictured the pile of bones in front of him.
This time, the necrotic green mana left his gauntlet and slipped itself under the door like it was searching for something – then a larger amount of it left the gauntlet.
*Clink~ clack~*
Hearing a few noises from behind the door, Jay confirmed it was a successful summoning.
“Good.” he thought, opening the door again and stepping back into the room.
“Hmm…” he looked at his shield, “I guess I won’t be needing this since I won’t be fighting.”
“Blue, here ya go.” he handed his precious deathwalkers’s sentry to the human skeleton.
After giving his shield to the skeleton, it seemed that holding the hammer in one hand and the shield in the other was just a little too much for the skeleton to handle; they were too heavy.
“Hmm… maybe next level then?” he consoled his skeleton, hoping it would level up soon.
All the skeletons were level three, but they could currently all reach a max level of four thanks to Jay’s necrotic mastery.
They would only gain more strength as they levelled up, but for now it was quite low.
Instead, the skeletons were incredibly dextrous; daggers and spears were more suited to them at the moment.
Perhaps they would get more bulky and could handle heavier weapons later, but in the meantime, their ideal weapons were light. The heavy hammers only worked out since they dual-wielded them.
“Soon…” he thought.
Jay assumed a crouched position behind the pillar, now all he had to do was wait….
And wait….
And wait.
“Hm… maybe it abandoned its kid?” Jay thought, “Not a very good role model… hopefully it only went out for a pouch of tobacco.”
“Maybe I can entice it to come home.”
Jay took out his trusty 1 damage cooking knife, which had since blunted, chipped and rusted… and no, he was not going to cook a meal to entice it to come back, he had something far more sinister planned.
“I suppose I’m not a very good role model either.” he shrugged, handing the low damage knife to one of his skeletons.