Chapter: 404
He tried to pick it up, but it wouldn’t budge either, it was like it was glued to the throne.

“Oh well” he smashed it with his hammer, at least he would get some enjoyment out of it…

Thankfully, it seemed that this was meant to happen as the three glyph circles began to slowly rotate, and soon, each of them stopped. It was like they were locking into place.

A red wave of energy suddenly travelled across the glyphs and they all disappeared.

Jay and his undead team were embraced by the darkness once more.


All around them, deep groaning sounds came from stone grinding on stone within the pyramid walls as they listened in the darkness. It sounded like the whole thing was about to collapse.

This probably would have induced even more fear if Jay didn’t have a monster class, resisting the seemingly passive fear effect of the pyramid.

With a bored expression, Jay pulled out his luminous orb to see what was happening. The only thing that was different was some dust coming from the ceiling.


A heavy noise reverberated through the room.

Suddenly a large stone block slid down across the exit; Jay was trapped.

Groaning stone sounds were still coming from the walls, and finally behind the throne, a stone wall lifted up as more of the blueish glyph light came from under it as it raised upwards, finally reflecting in Jay’s eyes as he was in awe at what he saw.

“Wow…” the light of course came from another glyph, but this one was very different.

Jay walked slowly into the hidden room behind the throne as he looked upwards to see how big this glyph was.

The glyph was huge and rectangular, perhaps nearly half the size of the pyramid – the pyramid itself almost touched the clouds above.

“Hmm, if those three small circular glyphs caused the rooms to open, then what the hell does this one do?” Jay raised a brow. Surely it would be powerful.

In front of the glyph was another throne – more majestic and larger than the assistant’s throne in the previous room.

A series of tubes, cords, wires, magic circles, glowing cylinders and other strange instruments were in an array around the throne, all feeding into one life form; this time, the throne was occupied…

– – –

~3rd Academy, Mirror Reality 34~

“Students of the third academy, things are going to be quite different next year… Some restructuring is taking place. We hope it will make you more cohesive and team-work oriented…” he cleared his throat.

“I know we’re better than the other academies; while we didn’t win the war games this year, you made the academy proud and lived up to our motto – ‘He who stands with me shall be my brother.’”

Some of the students looked inspired, but some looked bitter. Their academy placed last in the war games – they were the weakest; they felt pathetic.

“I have always treated you as professionals, and I won’t take up more of your time, so I will make this short and sweet.” Norgrim gazed across the cohort as his tone and demeanour changed to one of an old hunter.