Chapter: 414
Meanwhile, another one of his skeletons went down, which Jay quickly brought right back.

It was a confusing sight to the golems, as Jay’s skeleton would turn into a useless pile of bones before springing back up into a skeleton again and smashing their skulls inwards.

Jay checked his mana, it was truly dwindling now. There was some mana regen during the fighting, but now it was at dangerous levels – he only had one more summon left, and that was it.

“Shit…” Jay realised he needed more mana. Perhaps it was even more important than vitality and strength.

“Uncaring rip” a femur (upper leg) bone was ripped from an enemy skeleton and crushed in his hands – the enemy skeleton fell over, seemingly confused as what the hell just happened.

Two more of the skeletal golems went down as Jay crushed one of their necks under his foot – along with two of Jay’s skeletons.

Jay insta-summoned his last one.

Three skeletons and Jay vs one skeletal golem and Estobar.

Immediately, the single golem got ganged up on. Jay was feeling a little slow now since his mana was so low that he only just now realised something.

“Estobar… he stopped summoning golems?”

Suddenly, the Skull-shield reactivated.

Inside the mana barrier was Estobar and Jay’s three skeletons. Estobar was truly done now, he had no more defences.

Jay still didn’t understand why it got so easy all of a sudden, he looked around for a moment…

“The skeleton pipe… there’s no more skeletons?” Jay was puzzled.

“Perhaps his stockpile of skeletons ran out?” he wondered, before shrugging.

“Oh well. Sucks to be him… If he had more skeletons, maybe he would’ve won, or at least made me use some of my trump cards.” Jay nodded, glad he could hold onto his newly found acid shards.

“Still, he nearly had me in the first half, not gonna lie.”

Jay had his skeletons attack the throne Estobar was sitting on. There was no point attacking him directly otherwise the strange throne would just heal him somehow – though it would be good if Jay wanted to torture the old man.

However, Jay felt like he should give him at least a little mercy for all the rude things he said, so instead of smashing him to death, he went for his life support.

As each jar and cylinder were smashed, each wire ripped out, each magic circle broken, the light slowly dwindled in Estobar’s eyes… he knew his time was short.

Slowly however, he was raising his hand once more…

“Oh not this again… come on…” Jay rolled his eyes.

Slowly, his hand was going higher and higher…. Jay checked the throne quickly; there were no more glyphs left so he was sure nothing dangerous would happen.

“Haven’t got all day.” Jay allowed it to happen; the ancient hexamist surely had no other tricks up his sleeve.

Higher and higher it went, until it seemed like he was going to point at Jay.