Chapter: 420
“My strength is good enough to defend myself anyway… From now on, all attribute points will go into energy. I won’t even need to worry about fighting if I can keep getting another skeleton to spring up; they will take damage for me, and they will swing their weapons in my stead.”.

“They will be as endless as my mana pool and my bone collection…” Jay gazed at his gauntlet containing approximately 670,000 skeletons.

“And I definitely won’t run out of skeletons.” he chuckled with a skip in his step, finally making it to the north bridge of Losla.

[75 Exp]

“Seventy five?” Jay raised a brow, wondering what that came from. The statues were worth either 35 and 40 or 90 and 100 exp for the sword and spear variants respectively. The silt-wolves were worth 200 exp, so it couldn’t have been them either.

That’s when Jay remembered the dihexapedes he set loose in the dungeon.

“Hmm, perhaps they killed one of those experiments…” he guessed, realising now that they must definitely be lower level if three skeletons could take one down.

Jay arrived at his butchery; Trenly had already cleaned up and went home, so Jay promptly went to freshen up before sleeping.

“Big day tomorrow” he thought as he got into bed, “going to try to copy my helminth’s spell, collect the blue bones, visit Viladore, get the rings off Anya, and craft so much shit,” he looked at his gauntlet, thinking about all the bones it contained before trying to get comfortable.


“Dammit…” he shifted uncomfortably, the gauntlet was kind of hard to sleep with on his hand.

– – –

~Losla, Adventurer Association~

The guards of Losla had all been into the dungeons here at least once. Some were not from Losla and had levelled up in other parts of the country, so many didn’t have too much experience with these local low-level dungeons. They would primarily enter them for the adventure or out of boredom, but this was a rare occurrence.

Losla was not a high level area after all – why would they go into a low level dungeon without much to gain?

Anya was sitting across from an adventurer association guard as she had dinner, discussing her latest adventure.

“What do you mean under the third pyramid? You do some digging or something?” one of the association guards asked Anya as he chewed on some steak.

“Uh, you know how you go down the left passage and -”

“Oh yeah, there’s that door you can’t get through.”

“Wh- Can’t get through?” she tilted her head to the side.

“Yeah, you know, that door with the magical bar. Even with my high level strength I couldn’t lift it” he shrugged “I guess it’s not meant to be opened.”

Anya sat quietly and sipped her drink, not wanting to raise suspicion as she was about to give something away.

“So… how do you conquer that pyramid?” Anya said as she put her drink down.

“Well, long story short – you can’t. If it lets you conquer it, we would be able to teleport back to it when entering the dungeon…” he ate a roasted vegetable off his plate, “did you make it to the boss yet? You want some tips?” He raised a brow.

“Hmm…” Anya usually liked to figure things out on her own, but this time, she made a concession – she hoped to be more helpful to Jay.