Chapter: 427
Trenly nodded and went back to work.

“Well, if that’s all, I have some stuff to do.” Jay gestured down the stairs.

Of course, Anya had an ulterior motive to coming here.

“Uh, oh.. I was wondering if you were planning on going back into mist keep? I have some useful tips for the third pyramid?” she smiled.

“Oh, well yeah – but later today… Also, I already conquered the third pyramid so that’s ok. You can help with the fourth if you’d like.” he shrugged.

“You conquered it!?” Anya raised her voice, before glancing down the stairs and lowering it again..

“So you beat the two creatures alone?”

“Yeah, and then the room after that too.”

“The room after? What? There’s a room after?”

Jay shook his head, Anya was wasting his time with silly questions; he wasn’t going to repeat himself.

“You’ll see.” he said with a sigh, “I’ll come to the association when I’m ready ok? Maybe in an hour or so.”

“Mm.. Thanks…” Anya looked down the stairs before turning back.

“What are you doing now?” she smiled.

Jay squinted at her, checking the stairs himself before whispering.

“You know how I was making that dagger? That time you startled the shit out of me when I thought you were unconscious in Carter’s Demise?”

“…yeah” she smiled slyly.

“Well, now I’m making armour… and here you are interrupting me again.” Jay shook his head with a smile.

“Oh, sorry…” she shrugged; it wasn’t really something that interested her, “In that case, I’m going to go kill some mobs. I’ll head over to the guild in an hour and wait for you.”

“Sounds good, see you then.” Jay said, watching her leave before closing the door.

With a sigh, he propped up the chair again.

“Ok, where was I… oh yeah, armour for myself.”

Jay took out some bones and began to channel his mana into them once more.

He crafted himself some vambraces and greaves similar to the skeletons – except without the bar going through the middle.

<[Necrotic Vambrace]>
