Chapter: 450
<[Nestling Gatherer (Wood Elemental) – Level 5]>

[HP 32/32]


– 5 (Hook)

– 10 (Pincers)


[Lofty Collector]

– The nestling launches its hook high up into the treetops to gather that one perfect, pristine stick. It reels it back into its internal pincers for either consumption or storage.

– 5 piercing damage

– 10 crushing damage after reel-in

– The nest must grow


[The worker of an elemental nest. Its head comes in many varieties depending on the elemental type, but all of them have the same bug-like body.]

“Careful of its ranged hook attack from the bigger ones, don’t let them pull you away!” Jay warned the others, having to yell over sounds of clanging metal, rolling balls and snapping sticks. For a moment he was tempted to step out of formation and help them – in case this new enemy was too much.

Fortunately, they were doing just fine. They didn’t need help at all. Jay simply underestimated them.


The mace guy deflected a hook, his shield vibrating while sending it flying – coincidentally the hook landed right next to Jay – a segmented-vine connected the hook back to the throat of the creature.

With a menacing grin, Jay slashed with all his might, chopping the strange segmented wooden cord between the hook and the creature’s maws.

Jay hoped to hear it squeal in pain, but it seemed these creatures didn’t have the capability to feel. Instead, it seemed confused.

“Nice one.” the sabre girl added, seeing Jay’s decisive attack.


Anya released a powerful bolt, ending the creature’s silent suffering with a single hit.

Jay ignored the exp notification, it would be a long battle so that would just be an annoying distraction.

He was getting a slice of the exp from each monster killed since both he and Anya were in the same party – though the other adventurers syphoned some if they landed an attack on the same creatures.

The swordsman, Conroy, was about to be attacked by one of these hooks flying straight towards him, however his sword suddenly glowed a faint yellow as it filled with energy.