Chapter: 461
[HP 100%]
[MP 100%]
“Peter! Take my spot and fire at the new treant! Keep it busy!” Jay barked orders out as he ran over to Anya.
The treant had already passed by the mace-shield guy and was bearing down on Anya, its antlers lowered into a charge.
“Ah shit, sorry Anya…” he gritted his teeth as he dashed at her.
Jay knew he wouldn’t make it in time, but still, he flung an unstable tooth at the treant just as it was about to skewer her.
However instead of impaling Anya, the confused elemental kept charging. Where was the thud it was expecting from hitting her? Was she extremely light? Did it miss somehow?
*BOOM! Tat tat~*
The unstable tooth exploded against the creature’s body, a chunk of wood missing from its side instantly causing it to stop its charge.
Meanwhile, Anya had simply disappeared – replaced by a black swirling mist.
It seemed that the mist was spinning chaotically in a strong storm, even though there was not so much as a light breeze around today.
The black mist itself had no effect on any of the flowers or grass, none of them swaying in the slightest. It was like the mist wasn’t even there, either an illusion or simply unable to interact with the physical world.
The only thing that seemed to be affected by the black mist were tiny little grey bits of ash – but it seemed that they were part of the corporeal mist itself.
Suddenly the ball of mist moved to a new position; It was fast – even faster than the treant, maybe three times as fast as Jay’s skeletons. If Jay blinked he would have missed it.
Next, the dark mist suddenly burst and dissipated into nothingness; Anya reappeared with her crossbow ready to fire.
It all happened in a matter of moments: Treant charging Anya – Anya disappearing into mist – Anya suddenly reappearing further away and firing her crossbow.
Somehow she became an untouchable shadow, avoiding all damage and getting into a safer position in the very back of the field.
Jay looked at the stunned creature, it seemed to be as confused as he was.
Unfortunately for the wood elemental, it was given no time to think as another heavy bolt pierced the creature – this time landing right in the centre of its large deer-shaped blackwood head.
“Nice,” Jay smiled, jumping into battle as well.
“Damn, a head-shot wasn’t a critical hit…” Anya said, a little frustrated as she went to reload her crossbow.
All this time she had been trying to find the creature’s weak spot – the critical hit area where she could do double damage.
“Not the head… not the chest… not the body. Don’t tell me…” Her eyes travelled over the lower parts of the creature.