Chapter: 464
“What the? What even is that?”
They were all wrong, that battle wasn’t over; a powerful enemy made its way onto the battlefield.
Viladore gently floated above the wooden town houses on the southside of Losla.
As a telekine with strong telekinetic power, he could make whatever he wanted into a weapon; today, his choice of weapon was a tree he ripped up from the ground. He thought it was quite fitting to use wood against wood.
“What was that old saying again? You can’t fight wood with wood? Something like that.. Oh, who cares.” Viladore shrugged, today he would prove it wrong.
For him, the battle seemed pretty boring, as he was a much higher level than the wood elementals.
With a flick of his wrist, his floating tree thrashed, bludgeoned, squashed and punctured all the treant’s charging out of the forest.
They were fast but he was faster – he didn’t even have to look as he could just sense them with his high level mana sense ability.
Slowly, his weapon’s branches were being snapped or ripped off in battle, and soon enough it was nothing more than a bare log with many indentations travelling all over it.
The trunk-weapon could barely hold together under the pressure Viladore was exerting on it, and the battle here was many times more dangerous compared with the north-west.
Instead of the level 1 wood elementals the weakest monsters here were the treant hectopedes – and there were just as many, swarming out of the tree-line.
Sometimes some larger wooden creatures had come through the forest but he didn’t so much as glance at them before smashing them into the ground with his log..
Treant hectopedes, nest spores, cellulose arbiters – it was all the same to him: just weak enemies that needed crushing.
Some of the treant’s had survived being pounded into the earth, climbing out to continue their wooden crusade – only to be squashed again for good.
It was an easy thing for Viladore, and most of his focus was on his black cube back at the association.
However, unlike usual, some of his thoughts were about Sullivan.
“How do I ask him to make Jay stay…” he thought.
“Money? Hmm no. Sullivan is doing fine… Should I say Jay is dangerous? Maybe… well… we already know him too well. He’s clearly no threat.” he pursed his lips, crushing another treant with the end of the log.
He was getting annoyed now as he thought of ways to keep Jay at the association. Gritting his teeth in frustration, he crushed another before it even left the forest.
“What other choice do I have… a threat seems like the only way.” he shook his head, annoyed there was no other way – in his mind he had no choice.
Of course, he could just give up and walk away – but that would be like dying to him. The cube had become his purpose; his reason.
His eyes glowed blue with resoluteness as he crushed another treant into firewood, twisting the end of the log on its body as if he was putting out a cigar.
“Hmm… but… how do I threaten someone more powerful than me…” he thought as he squinted, staring at larger wood elementals coming through the forest.
Gone was any allegiance he had for Sullivan. He only thought about the cube.