Chapter: 47
“Why name it after a beast like that? No one likes those horrifying things.” He thought as he entered the wooden door.

Before he could be rejected for his horrendous stench, Jay pulled out 35 gold, as his smell greeted the innkeeper before he could even close the door behind him.

Quickly approaching with gold in hand, he exclaimed his order before he could be rejected.

“One room, a ruby bath, and laundry service please!”

Devin was slightly hunched over from the smell as his nose twitched a little, but it seemed like he was tolerating the smell quite well – he did work in an inn after all, so he dealt with the occasional vomit.

“You’re 10 gold short”

“But these were the prices last time?” Jay squinted

“You’re extra filthy this time lad, 5 extra gold for washing and 5 extra gold for the muck you’ll leave in the bath”.

“Sure. Here you are” Jay immediately pulled out the extra 10 gold, not willing to test the innkeeper.

“TAMARA!” Devin yelled out to his daughter. “GET THE RUBY BATH READY NOW”.

“Alright dad!” a yell came from somewhere down the hall.

In a few moments, Tamara came down the hall. It was clear that she could smell Jay too, as she was trying her best to stop her face from cringing.

“This way, sir”.

“Thanks” Jay said, analysing her as he followed.

[Tamara – Level 14]

[HP 100%]

[MP 100%]

“Level 14 huh, she’s pretty strong” Jay thought, he wasn’t planning on asking how old she was, but if he had to guess, she was about 24; 6 years older than Jay.

She had a voluptuous figure with braided waist-length brunette hair, and was about half a pitcher taller than Jay, who was average-height in Losla.

“Maybe I will ask her what class she is after I stop smelling like the definition of stink.” he thought.

Entering the room again, everything was prepared the same way as last time. Jay thanked Tamara, locked the door and removed all his clothes, dumping them in the laundry basket in the corner before sliding into the ruby-gem bath once more.

“Ahhhhhhh. Finally.” He smiled in delight.

His entire body relaxed as he closed his eyes for a moment, seemingly forgetting to open them. Waking up 30 minutes later, Jay was satisfied with his nap – wrinkly, but satisfied.

Taking some soap, he washed his body and hair as bits of dirt sank to the bottom and pieces of flesh floated to the top.

“Eugh, gross” he said as he attempted to shoo away the floaties.