Chapter: 470
He quickly disappeared and reappeared in between two other treants, slicing at their many legs.
Unfortunately it didn’t count as a sneak attack this time, so it didn’t critically strike – the treants stopped charging after they slowed down at least, and thankfully he grabbed their attention.
“It’s in your hands now.” The teleporting guard said quietly as he helplessly shrugged, reaching his limit for teleporting for today.
This left two more treants charging at Matheson, but it wasn’t looking good for him – the guards were fast but not fast enough.
As Matheson heard one getting close he immediately pulled out his rapier and dodged to the side.
Had he not dodged, he would have been pierced by two pairs of antlers, so instead he opted for one pair. There was no way he was dodging both of them.
The sharp brach-like tendrils pierced into his side.
“URRRRGH!!!!” he tried not to scream, only gritting his teeth and growling as blood poured from his body – screaming was for the weak.
Of course, he was not done yet.
*Shring shring shring shring!*
Even while pierced he lashed out.
Just like that, parts of the antlers were cut off and fell to the ground – but to Mathesons surprise, the pain was just beginning.
Each antler that pierced him was moving around like wriggling worms, tearing his flesh and organs apart. Soon, his own organs had started drooping and hanging out of his stomach as he was lifted into the sky.
“F- fuh” he could barely breathe, barely able to even scream as his right lung was completely punctured and was filling with blood. His eyelids were getting heavy as he struggled to hold onto consciousness, lightly slashing at the treant.
At this point, the flame rune in his rapier was doing more damage than his pitiful slashes.
*Shhrrrrr! – BOOM!*
A golden javelin suddenly came whistling through the air, perfectly hitting the treant in the chest – the same treant that had Matheson suspended in its antlers. One of the guards must have used a spell to send it so far and so fast.
The power behind the javelin was so immense that the treant split into two, the middle of the treant simply exploding into dust and wood flakes as each side of it fell helplessly to the ground.
The tendrils digging around in Matheons abdominal cavity all suddenly stopped as he dropped to the ground with them still inside his abdomen.
All this time he had been fighting – not to kill the treant, but fighting to hold onto consciousness, trying to stop his eyes from rolling back into his head.
A green flash of light was the last thing Matheson saw as he hit the ground, unable to hold onto his weak strand of consciousness.
***Bonus Chapter 4/5.***
Lannister and Lara calmly walked through Losla, relaxed expressions on their faces.
“Okay, fine. We’ll get some better supplies.” Lannister finally gave in.
Lara was sick of the rations they had, and had been working on him all morning, slowly grinding him down to allow her to go on a small shopping spree.