Chapter: 483
Anya was busy picking off nestlings, while using the occasional throwing knife on the stray stick-ball.
Jay was leisurely slashing and throwing the odd unstable tooth, causing a few nestlings to miss their targets completely.
The extra help made the battle go much more smoothly, and without any people like the glaive guy, there were no issues.
Unknown to Jay and his human troops, adventurers in the other fields were watching them, some with jealousy and others simply wanting to learn.
“They still fighting? Yikes.”
“Oh… Jay’s not really that strong?”
“They all look so bored.”
“They’re not bored, they’re focused”
Adventurers gathered at the back of the field too, Paul having to hush them a few times.
The once-threatening wave of elementals was easy to deal with using the right formation, and their numbers plummeted.
The last stick-ball rolled towards the fearsome adventurers over many of the corpses of its own brethren..
Finished with a single hit.
Jay and his formation looked around for a moment, waiting to see if there were any more enemies, not expecting the battle to be over so…quietly.
It was surprisingly easy.
“Hey, we did it…” the dagger girl said with a smile.
“GRAAAAAHHH!” Dan yelled, holding his axe in the sky.
Other adventurers simply caught their breath.
“Finally, I can go back to the dungeon.” Jay thought, not saying it out loud – he didn’t want to discourage anyone who thought this was some huge accomplishment.
“Thanks for trusting my orders” Jay said as he went over to look at the remains of the nest spore.
Some of the adventurers gave thankful smiles as he left them, a deep feeling of gratitude – It was because of Jay that they not only got more exp, but learnt some adventurer fundamentals: never panic, always plan, check on your team, be decisive, and don’t mind about looking weak.
Anya followed along, seeing what Jay was looking at.
Jay began to loot, leisurely casting his hand over the elementals, not really expecting much since no other adventurers were out there gathering loot.
“Thought so, nothing but exp.” he pursed his lips, approaching the nest spore.
Jay intended to learn from the slain creature – similar to his skeletons, it was a sort of inanimate creation. It was also in Jay’s nature to learn – at least now that he was a necromancer anyway.