Chapter: 486
“Say, what are the farmers doing?” Jay asked Paul, pointing at the large teepee structures.
“…and why are they covering them with dirt?”
“Oh. That’s how they make charcoal. Burning the wood with less air creates charcoal. I’m not really sure how it works though.” Paul shrugged, finally deciding to just pick Peter up and carry him to the guild.
“Oh okay, thanks… Thanks for today.”
“You’re welcome mate, and again, nice work. You kept your mind clear and focused out there…” Paul looked at some more adventurers fighting over the antlers, “…it’s a shame more aren’t like that.”
With a nod, Paul marched off, chatting to the other guard as he carried Peter.
“Charcoal huh…” Jay scratched his chin, watching the whole process.
“I suppose it must be for forges or alchemy,” he guessed.
Anya had been quietly following Jay the whole time – they were meant to be running into the mist keep dungeon today after all.
“You really did do well today.” Anya encouraged, still standing around him.
“Thanks.” Jay shrugged, he didn’t feel like he was that impressive.
“Anyway… I was wondering – are you planning to go back to mist keep today?” she questioned..
“Yeah of course, there’s still plenty of time left in the day.” Jay nodded, “You coming?”
Anya smiled, “Yes please.”
“Good.” Jay nodded and he went back to watching the charcoal burning process – it was nearly over.
Slowly, the adventurers in Jay’s field, the ones who were under his command, had gathered up. They were talking and looking at Jay occasionally.
Jay simply tried to ignore them, thinking they were like the gossiping adventurers that would wait outside of the dungeons and murmur whenever he passed by.
After they had a discussion, Dan left the group and approached Jay.
“Hey, Jay? We were talking and decided that you should get the other set of antlers.”
“Me?” Jay said, raising a brow. He wanted an explanation.
“Well, we only slayed them because of you. Besides, you were literally drained by this one and did the most to slay it, so it’s yours. Rightfully.”
“Well sure then.” Jay smiled, he wasn’t going to turn down some extra loot.
After grabbing them off Dan, Jay now had two sets of the large treant antlers.
[Treant Antlers (Wooden Elemental)] x 2
“Also… do you need any party members for a dungeon?” Dan raised a brow, his eyes full of hope.