Chapter: 488
Jay quickly dumped them into energy without a second thought, it was still clear in his mind how close he came to losing a battle with Estobar. If he ran out of mana slightly earlier, it may have been over.

Jay and Anya walked back quietly, most would think they were bored, however Jay was considering where to put his ability point.

“Hmm… I could have 5 level four skeletons, or 4 level five skeletons… four times five is still twenty either way. Hmm…”

“The skeletons are all still level three though. I shouldn’t have waited to spend that other skill point. I think it’ll be better to have an extra skeleton until they’re all level four, otherwise it will just be a waste – why raise their max level to five if they’re not even four yet.”

With a nod, Jay added another point into his raise skill.

[Raise Feeble Creature level 4] -> [Raise Feeble Creature level 5]

<[Raise Feeble Creature level 5]>

– Imbue a small skeleton with necrotic energy, raising it to fight for you.

[4/5 Raised]

[Costs 5 mana+3/level of creature]


Still, he was trying not to smile all while realising he could now summon up to five skeletons. The new one would need time to level up, but every addition of a skeleton would make dungeons exponentially easier.

Needless to say, he was now walking a little faster towards the mist keep dungeon. Perhaps if the new one killed high level creatures, it would level up faster?

Unfortunately, he did not have access to their exp pool information – Jay also got 100% of exp when they killed something, so it seemed that they gained a different sort of hidden experience.

As they walked through Losla, other adventurers began splitting off – some went to other dungeons, some went south to watch the battle, others went to the guild, but most went to lunch.

The horn at the guild was no longer sounding, and the adventurers were no longer needed – but still, the powerful battle in the south could still be heard, and it naturally drew adventurers towards it.

Jay and Anya ignored everyone else as they proceeded with their plans, heading straight into the mist keep dungeon.

Out of the hundred or so adventurers, only a handful of only the most dedicated were going to mist keep to continue fighting.

As they arrived, it seems that Dan, Conroy, the mace-guy and the composite-bow girl were there, having formed a party after today.

Jay and Anya only nodded at them as they went in themselves.

Stepping into the dungeon, they found themselves next to Estobar’s throne. The pyramid was still opened up, split into two halves, and the dark inside seemed to almost welcome the dreary light from the sky, along with the warm adventurers.

“Okay, so -” Jay was cut off.

“What did you do?!” Anya was shocked, “we’re at the third pyramid right?!”

She then talked to herself for a moment as she looked around.