Chapter: 49
Jay was still smiling as he shook his head. He took his now semi-clean belongings as he went to his room on the floor above.

The room was small. A cabinet on one wall, a luminous orb on the ceiling and a single bed on a wooden frame was in the corner. There was a tiny round port-hole style rose-glass window which was currently closed.

Entering the room, Jay went to rest on the bed. He was so tired that he didn’t even get under the sheets, and before he realised it, he was asleep.

“What the?” Jay was woken up, hearing clunking silverware hit the ground and a booming voice yelling from the room above him – before hearing a quick patter of feet run down the nearby stairs and after a moment, back up them again.

“Sounds like someone’s having a good time” Smirked Jay as his stomach gently growled.

Making his way out of the room, he found a note which had been slid under the door.

“Your laundry is ready – Tamara”.

Pocketing the note, he went to the stairs and called out “Tamara!”

Soon, another set of feet came tapping up the stairs.

“Could you please bring me my laundry?” Jay asked kindly. He really didn’t want to go downstairs to have dinner in a robe.

“Yes, sir. Be back in a moment” Tamara left.

“Phew” Jay sighed in relief, knowing he would be the source of entertainment for the night if he did wander around the bar in a robe.

It wasn’t long before Tamara came back with Jay’s fresh clothes and knapsack.

“Here you are sir. Was there anything else I can help you with?” she smiled warmly now that Jay wasn’t a stinking mess.

“Can I order some food while I get dressed? I’ll come downstairs in a moment”

“Absolutely, we have a special tonight – Prime steaks with winter vegetables and gravy” She smiled “6 gold”.

“6 gold? Haha so I guess he’s charging 5 gold for the steaks? They must be good.” (1 gold for vegetables and gravy)

“Yes, sir. Premium quality meat.” Tamara would not say it was rat tail, under strict instructions given by her dad.

“Heh, here you go. I won’t be long” Jay chuckled at their antics as he handed her the 6 gold.

Jay retreated back to his room with the laundry basket. He changed back into his clothes and put his remaining items back into his knapsack – however, he equipped [Molodus’s Coat].

The coat was a dark-green colour with round black-wood buttons. It had a collar that came up just under his chin, while the coat reached his upper leg. Jay looked more dignified and commanding with the coat on, and it suited his dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

‘Nice.’ Jay thought, pleased with his new look.

Forgetting what the coat did, he analysed it again.

[Molodus’s Coat – Level 1]