Chapter: 502
“It might be too late for the others, it might not be, but you’re definitely going to become something cool.” he smiled.

“I wonder what else I can do… maybe if I abuse and beat up a skeleton regularly it will get some sort of masochist class.” he scratched his chin as he looked at his skeletons.

“Nah… I can’t do that to them. I like them too much.” He pursed his lips and watched the level 1 feeble creature.

The creature seemed content with whatever weapon it was given, it went back to the formation as it twisted its wrists and got into a fighting stance with its dual daggers.

The stance it made was quite strange – one dagger was held low and one was held high.

Jay thought he would have probably done the same stance if that were him. He wasn’t sure if the skeleton somehow tapped into his subconscious thoughts to find a battle stance, or if it was simply the most obvious stance – at least from Jay’s perspective.

Blue was finished eating now – it didn’t get much taller, but its bones seemed to get thicker and its chest became wider.

As Jay looked at Blue’s upgraded body, he guessed that this might be what Michaels skeleton may look like – being the guard captain had given him a sturdy, muscular physique so surely his bones were larger too.

“Hm, even then, Blue would still probably have a thicker skeleton.” he said as he scratched his chin.

Anya only watched on silently as Jay chatted to his skeletons. It was like he forgot she was here, off in his own little world with his own little friends. Despite the ‘little friends’ being fearsome skeletons, it actually seemed quite wholesome.

*Clink clink tap clink~*

Two skeletons returned from the mist, as healthy and whole as when they left – the coast was clear, the dihexapedes had truly left.

“Alright, it seems like we’re safe to move on. We should probably jog to the pyramid since the dihexapedes knew where we were even while we were being quiet and sneaking. Are you ready?” Jay suggested as he added the remaining pile of bones back into his gauntlet.

“Sure… back into the mist we go.”

“Mist keep dungeon… it’s a suitable name.” Jay said as they left the tower, entering the thick fog once more.

Neither of them could see the skeletons in front of them – but Jay could sense them, so he had no worries. Anya simply had to trust and follow Jay.

As they jogged, they soon came across the remains of the other skeletons. Their bodies were slashed apart and broken into many smaller fragments, some were even covered with black slime.

“It seems that some of the dihexapedes had a little snack.” Jay said as he picked up and studied a bone.

One by one, the skeletons reclaimed their hammers, while Jay reclaimed their bones.

Screeches and shrieks began sounding in the dungeon once more. The dihexapedes were on the move again.

“Dammit, just how far away are we?” Jay wondered as they kept running through the fog.

“Should we go back? It doesn’t feel right…” Anya still whispered.

“No, let’s just run faster. Remember, it’s a level three dungeon. It shouldn’t be that hard.”

They pushed on, and once more the dungeon became eerily quiet again.

“Keep running, at the very least we can see how far we get. Use your skill if things get bad and we’ll just leave the dungeon.”