Chapter: 504
Without more time to analyse, the next dihexapede entered with a shriek – another was behind it as well. The one behind it seemed to want revenge; It couldn’t get past either so it simply pushed its ally into the wall of skeletal death.

“So dumb.” Jay shook his head, disappointed in the foolish tactics of the creatures.

“They truly are just mindless beasts I guess.” he shrugged.

A little disappointed in the poor tactics of his enemies, Jay let Blue command the other skeletons. It seemed that it was better at commanding the other skeletons now too, as at different points in the fight, some skeletons would move back while others would simultaneously go in to attack.

The dihexapede would slash at skeletons which were retreating (and miss) while being pounded on from a different side. Turning to the other side, the process would repeat itself.

The low level dihexapedes were a useful training tool for the skeletons. It wasn’t as cunning as a higher level enemy, but had a larger health pool. Right now, it was their punching bag.

Jay couldn’t actually imagine a better scenario than this to train his minions. A part of him almost wanted to mock the level three dungeon – but he decided not to tempt its wrath.

“Have the new skeleton attack more” Jay ordered through his mind.

Blue didn’t turn back to Jay, but it turned its bone skull towards the level one feeble creature with its dual-wield daggers.

Jay didn’t need a clue or a ‘yes sir’, it was obvious that it was already carrying out Jay’s will.

The little skeleton dashed into the fray, eagerly plunging its dual daggers into the tough, leathery, skin-like joints of the dihexapede.

***Blue needed a bigger chapter. Thanks for saying thanks 🙂 Enjoy!***

The dihexapede looked uncomfortable as the small skeleton was running around under it causing mayhem. Each of its legs shuddered when a dagger was pierced into their joints.

The monster couldn’t even defend itself now, much less attack.

Hammers smashed down on it repeatedly, and just as it got used to the pace of the battle, a bolt would suddenly pierce into its chest.

There was nothing it could do, it was outmatched; it was a completely different fight compared to when it was part of a swarm – it had never even been attacked until now.

A primal fear set in, a stressful panic. It desired to flee, but at this point it didn’t have a choice but to fight – its own kin was behind it, pushing it forward and blocking its retreat.

After a desperate struggle, the light from its eyes left it while its body collapsed.

The next dihexapede walked over its corpse and soon enough, it met the same fate.

[130 Exp]

[Soul stone] (Empty) x 6

A third charged in, but it died even faster than the second; Jay’s party was getting proficient at slaying them, especially with the crafty little dual-dagger skeleton contributing to the fight now too.

[65 Exp].

[Soul stone] (Empty) x 2