Chapter: 506
[Your feeble creature has been slain]

“Dammit, where the hell is the next tower?” Jay thought, clenching his jaw.

Compared to the distance between the last two towers, they had run about twice as far with no tower in sight.

“Did we run past it? Or could it be just a little further? What if we were meant to stay at the third tower?”

Thoughts were running through Jay’s head as the dihexapede swarm bore down on them, charging mercilessly.

[Your skeleton has been slain]

“Hmm… It surely isn’t that simple?” Jay thought.

As the second one died, Jay put his idea into action.

“Anya, we’re gonna stop running and fight them.”

“What? But we don’t even know how many there are.”

“We’ll be fine, I think I figured something out.” Jay gave a reassuring smile as he had the three skeletons behind them turn around to face the brunt of the swarm.

Multiple dihexapedes clashed against the skeletons, causing them to jump back multiple times. Thankfully the dihexapedes slowed down after some painful hammer strikes.

The skeletons did take a few hits, but it was worth it to stop the swarm.

Anya had already started launching bolts which slowed them down enough for the skeletons to defend themselves.

Jay had already created a large bone pile on the ground and started summoning skeletons.

“Just focus on one of them at a time” Jay said as he went to join the fight with his undead minions.

“Focus one? But there’s so many…” Anya thought to herself as she shook her head.

Looking at Jay fighting, she was curious why he seemed so calm.

He was blocking slashes and dealing damage with the skeletons, not really standing out very much though; he wasn’t some incredible fighter. Yet he seemed fine as he had a relaxed look.

[Your skeleton has been slain] x1 … x1 …. x1

Jay resummonded them as quickly as he lost them.

The fight was mostly one sided, but the dihexapedes were slowly being chipped away at.

A dihexepede suddenly shuddered as a bone was ripped right out of its body; black blood and unknown tissue went everywhere, splashing onto other dihexapede faces as the bone flew into Jay’s gauntlet, being crushed and disappearing.

The wailing dihexapede then went down with a final hit from one of the skeletons.

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