Chapter: 514
Both were shut closed, and it turned out that the orange glow they were walking towards was a small circular opening above the doors.

Jay had Lamp give the luminous orb back to Anya; they wouldn’t be needing it because of the orange light, while having another skeleton to fight would be useful.

Jay calmly and quietly traced his hand over the large doors, taking a moment to appreciate the craftsmanship. The edges were sharp and each line seemed to be perfectly cut.

“Ready?” Jay whispered as he stood next to the large doors.

Anya raised her crossbow and nodded back.

The ancient doors groaned open, altering everything nearby; the rhythmic pounding noises of a large metal hammer suddenly stopped.

Jay and his party entered. The skeletons guarded them with a semi-circular formation and quickly scanned for enemies.

The room was large, but despite its size it was flooded with orange light coming from an opening in the right side of the room. It was like a river of bubbling lava was just behind the wall.

On the very right of the room was a large stone cube with a pool of the molten yellow substance on top. Some of it floated effortlessly above the pool and swirled around, forming a molten cylinder; perfect for inserting a sword into for forging.

Various engravings, runes and metallic symbols covered the cube, each of them shimmering slowly which is probably what gave the yellow molten fluid its gravity-defying abilities.

Near it, a metal anvil was sitting. It was much larger than a normal anvil to suit the giant weapons being hammered with it.

Some tool racks with various oversized metal instruments and other blacksmith equipment were nearby, as well as a thick stone table and a black pool of oil and stagnated water.

It was a blacksmith forge fit for an expert.

Despite there being a metal-working forge, the room was littered with stone weapons of all different shapes and sizes, most of which were nothing more than rubble on the ground. It was almost like the blacksmith was disappointed in its own work as it didn’t even bother racking them.

Between all of these stood what they came here for: A large stone statue stood there with thick engraved armour and a large stone belly.

Seemingly, it was angered by intruders distracting its work. Its eyes were like blazing embers which gazed at them with a tense focus.

Compared to the other soldiers in helvetia it seemed quite distinguished based on its thicker and ornamental armour. Patterns of trees, magic and towers were all over it.

What was strange about the large statue was that it wasn’t holding its hammer with its gauntlet; it was holding a pair of metal tongs which held its hammer..

In its other hand it held a long glowing piece of metal.

“Odd…” Jay thought, thinking that it should be using the tongs to hold the hot metal instead of its hammer.

It seemed that the heat didn’t affect its stone body – but why use tongs to hold a hammer?

The large statue turned around and set its metal hammer down next to the anvil with a deep thud and a low ring. Next, it grabbed one of the stone weapons nearby – it was another hammer, the only difference is that it was stone instead of metal.

“Strange…” Jay thought, looking for any clues.

There were no other enemies in the room, so Jay decided to let Blue lead the attack again.