Chapter: 519
Basically, there was a time limit for the statue to slay Jay within.

It decided to go for Jay first, as Anya would be helpless without Jay because she was immobile when she reloaded her bow. How would she do damage if she kept having to run away?

Once the necromancer was gone it could just walk towards her until she either died or left the dungeon. Of course, it still needed the annoying necromancer to die.

The statue was like a moving mountain, a wall of death heading right towards him. All Jay could do was flee from it.

Instead of moving into another part of the room, Jay headed back into the passageway.

Anya decided to move into another corner of the room and continue to fire. In the event of the blacksmith statue turning on her she would be fine, since she had her black mist ability as well as her unique skill.

“Just keep shooting it!” Jay called as he reached the twin-doors.

***Bonus chapter 3/5***

*Doon doon doon~*

The blacksmith continued to march at Jay with its dual hammers at either sides; it was a bulky statue, but it was still huge nonetheless, each of its steps was akin to jogging speed.

The four skeletons continued to chunk away at the statue, and a bolt in the back only served to push it forward towards Jay.

The metal hammer had veins of rock beginning to grow through it more as it was falling to the curse; it was spreading fast – but Jay and the statue were already in the hallway and heading towards the stairs.

Still, Jay wasn’t too worried. While it was like a walking mountain, it was still slow.

He just had to trust Anya and his skeletons while staying out of danger.

*doon doon doon*

Jay passed by the empty containers. As he went further from the furnace light, it was getting dark again.

The statue looked even more sinister in the darkness as all he could see was a giant silhouette of an armoured monster dual-wielding two hammers.

He only had his small luminous orb to guide him through the darkness, which he quickly took out.

The statue gripped its pride at joy, its last metal hammer. It had to sacrifice it to save itself, but unfortunately it realised that it wouldn’t catch the necromancer before they reached the end of the passage. It had to do something or otherwise it would all be for nothing.

It swung its stone hammer back before taking a heavy step forward, planting its foot into the shattering ground..


It released the hammer as it swung, sending it flying at Jay. It made a humming sound as it sped through the air at a high speed.

The statue had high strength but low dexterity so it was powerful but not accurate, though against all odds it connected with its target.

*BOOM!~ Squlech!~*