Chapter: 546
Jay and Anya carefully approached the white gate as they moved along the road – but to their surprise there were no traps, ambushes or even patrolling statues.

The silence was quite unnerving, and now Jay thought he actually preferred something to fight. It would be better than the haunting, quiet tension.

Finally, they made it to the gate, and Jay rested his hand on it as he examined it.

“Huh, It’s bigger than I thought it would be.” Jay said as he looked upwards;

It was so tall that it seemed like it leaned over them.

The gate itself was completely smooth, like two large slate slabs with a crack in the middle. It had a lip at the top but there was no way anyone was scaling its flat surface.

Now that he was close enough, he could even see his reflection. Jay thought it must have taken years to polish it to make it this shiny; it was simply pristine.

Unfortunately, the gate didn’t open and there was definitely no way he and his minions would have the strength to push it open – but after a moment of analysing, Jay received a strange notification.


Opening it, it took him to his inventory – there was an item with the same [!] notification next to it.

“Hmm…” Jay looked at it suspiciously.

He had felt a strange connection to this particular item since he entered the dungeon, but he soon forgot all about it – though now, it seemed to beckon to him more than ever, it was like it wanted him to pull it out of his inventory.

– – –

Sullivan stared at Lannister inquisitively across his desk, wondering if he could be trusted to protect his daughter.

“Your head mage seems to have an attitude.” Lara said, breaking the tension while looking absentmindedly across Sullivans book collection.

Sullivan smiled slightly, “Viladore? He’s an odd man, but he does his job. Did he do something?”

“No… It’s what he didn’t do. He didn’t even look at us as we passed him. It was like he was possessed.” Lara shrugged.

Sullivan gazed at her for a moment before squinting at the door where Viladore just left.

“Well, let’s talk about why you’re here.” Sullivan gestured to the other seat in his room; Lara took the message and sat down.

Next they were bombarded with questions, covering numerous topics:

– How will I contact you?

– When? Procedures?

– Sending letters and other items

– How will you ensure their safety?

– How will you meet their levelling needs?