Chapter: 554
At first it alarmed Jay to see such a large slender statue, but he noticed that like the statues outside, it also had its soul stone missing, taken from its chest and placed gently on the arm on the throne – though it was apparent that it was removed with the utmost gentleness and care.

Jay sighed, glad that the larger statue was dead. He was glad he wouldn’t have to fight someone like Sedulus.

The two other thrones were more normal sized – at least normal sized by helvetian soldier standards. However, unlike the large throne, its occupants were still moving.

It seemed that Jay and Anya had ventured a little too closely as the statues simultaneously stood up.

Two smaller slender statues, each female in origin, and each with their own new white stone armour stepped off their thrones as they noticed the trespassers in their pyramid.

“Go.” Jay said, sending his skeletons in immediately.

***Bonus big chapter 🙂 Do you think the white stone means anything? What do you think it means?***

“Go.” said Jay, not wasting any time as two statues got up from their thrones.

Thankfully, the larger statue in the middle throne was deceased so for now, there were only two enemies.

The skeletons charged ahead, their hammers and daggers hungry for some action.

Since fighting their way out of the fourth pyramid they had not served their master very much and were raring for a fight – though they always desired to fight, so there was not much of a noticeable difference.

Jay had formed a bone pile at his side as he prepared to raise any downed skeletons, while Anya took a knee and aimed her crossbow as she waited for an opening.

By now they were accustomed to battles together and knew their roles quite well.

Blue was in command of the skeletons once again, and made Dark go to distract the statue on the right while all the other skeletons targeted the enemy on the left.

Once again, Jay was pleased seeing his little commander skeleton, Blue, make suitable tactical decisions.

Sure, Jay could make better strategies, but if he is ever going to make an army he would need experienced commanders, and it seemed like the only way to get them was to train them himself.

The battle was still quite far away from Jay and Anya, due to the room being so large, but he was close enough to see what was happening.

The left statue was completely surrounded by the undead and getting decimated, while the statue on the right was attacking wildly and unsuccessfully – Dark was dipping, ducking and dodging around with its high dexterity.

Jay smiled with an approving nod, glad that his assassin-skeleton was having to practice its agility, which was a necessary skill of any assassin.

Meanwhile the other four skeletons had surrounded the other statue and was making it suffer – though it wasn’t taking damage without giving some in return.

It slashed at the skeletons with a single dagger and landed a few cuts.

“Strange. Only a dagger?” Jay thought.

The slender statues weren’t heavily armed like Sedulus – not even as much as the soldier variants; each of them simply had stone daggers which they waved around without much precision or power.

He assumed they would be well equipped, like the dead army of statues outside, but it seemed that all they had was a single dagger each – and they weren’t even using them very well..

Still, they were attacking and hostile, so Jay continued the attack.