Chapter: 558
At this moment, two skeletons each brought back a soul stone for Jay along with four more helvetian rings from the maids; eight in total.

Jay pocketed the soul stones but decided to let Anya have the eight rings; he was quite content with the highborn ring he just found.

Plus, he just got six rings for himself anyway so he really didn’t mind giving away some charity.

“Thanks” Anya said, grabbing the rings off the skeletons “This throne seems… off.” she remarked as she stood on the platform and began looking around.

Jay shrugged, “Seems okay to me,” he said casually, grabbing the tablet from the middle throne and began to read.

[My love, read the back of my throne and you will understand everything – Your Queen]

“Huh, I thought she was the queen.” Jay nodded.

It made sense but he didn’t want to assume until he knew for certain, and it wasn’t like he could analyse the dead statue.

“Back of the throne.” he said as he walked around.

“Huh, no wonder the throne is so big… I mean, the queen is tall, but not that wide.” he thought as he saw engravings covering the whole back of the throne.

The writing was made large to help with engraving it, and it almost seemed to be written with a sense of elegance and care – rather than a desperate rush like in other parts of the dungeon.

Anya was still strangely walking around the throne, looking at its base as she seemed more interested with something else, but Jay just left her be; he had a message to read after all.

[Words to Helotian, my love. I have received word that the cult is dead. The revenge pact is complete. Our beloved son has dealt with them himself – though unfortunately he has since lost his sanity to another of their curses, and wanders the world. End his torment if he ever returns, but know that I have sent guards for him.

As for the soldiers, I have begun to free them from these stone shells, and soon I myself will be free. I long to reunite with you. I ask that you end the spinning of the crifex rings and join me; let the attunement fail.

I will wait for you on the other side. If you ever see our child, don’t be alarmed if he attacks. Have mercy by freeing him too. Forever yours, your faithful queen.]

“Huh, so the pact is done? I guess Sedulus will be happy.” Jay chuckled, “and to think she wanted to give up.” he shook his head..

“Well, there is one more pyramid to do, but I think completing this quest will be better.” Jay thought.

“Yeah… the last pyramid can wait. I want those quest rewards” Jays eyes were filled with anticipation as he thought about the three new skills he would be able to try out.

Jay went to tell Anya that he was done, but she was crouched down, still looking around the bottom of the throne.


“Hm?” she didn’t look up.

“What are you doing…” Jay said, though it almost seemed like he was mocking her.

“Look, the throne. It doesn’t line up with the room or the other two thrones. It’s different. There’s got to be a secret or something.”

Jay looked a little more closely and he began to notice it too.