Chapter: 562
Jay decided that if he ever found the prince, perhaps he wouldn’t kill him – it seems that living as a cold statue forever and slowly losing your mind was a more fitting punishment.

**Free, enjoy :)**

Jay handed the other tablets to Anya. She didn’t seem to understand them but he didn’t feel like explaining it to her, so before she could finish reading them he unsummoned his skeletons and gathered all their hammers, daggers and bones.

“Thanks for your help. I’ll let you know about tomorrow.” he waved as the dungeon exit emerged nearby.

“O- oh. Okay. Thanks, looking forward to it.” Anya said, holding two tablets.

[Party Disbanded]

Jay made sure to disband the party before he left the dungeon – he knew there was an exp bonus waiting for him when he left from his necrotic helminth in wolf’s quarry dungeon.

~Outside of Mist Keep Dungeon~

Night time. Few adventurers were around, chatting about how the dungeon went and giving either other pointers and tips – suddenly, the dungeon door opened and out stepped a grinning adventurer wearing a green coat with some strange light-grey armour, but they suddenly the smiling adventurer disappeared right back into the door again, leaving as quickly as they appeared.

“What the? Who was that? I thought we would be the last ones? Did anyone analyse them?”

“No clue. Weird… where’s the rest of their party?”

Suddenly, the dungeon door opened again and out stepped Anya who was now level nine. Unlike Jay, she had a very placid look on her face as she exited.

“Hey, she’s level nine now,” an adventurer pointed.

“Wow, someone finally caught up to that loner guy. I wonder if he says anything.” another added.

“Heh, we’ll be level nine soon too. I actually don’t think it’s that impressive anymore.” one shrugged.

“Pff, you’re still level six though.” another grinned back.

“Yeah, well, I’m just… having fun.” the level six adventurer shrugged.

Anya ignored them as she headed home, back up the mountain trail..

[2400 Exp]

Even as he re-entered the dungeon he was still smiling.

“Ah, so much exp.” Jay grinned broadly, “the helminth is so awesome.”

“Now… here we are again.” he looked around, remembering how he first crafted his first bone hammers here.

Jay was back at the very start of the dungeon since he couldn’t enter into the first pyramid. Technically it wasn’t conquered, so this was the quickest way to get to Sedulus and complete his quest.