Chapter: 58
[23 Exp]

As Jay looked around, he smiled, realising he was being freely levelled even while just waiting around doing nothing. Suddenly, he found that many of the other adventurers were staring at him – the only level five there.

His smile disappeared quickly as he stared back at them coldly – and no one approached because of it. No one realised that he was experiencing stage fright again.

Most of the other adventurers were level two, a rare few were level three, while there were no level fours. To say that Jay stood out would be understating it; he was more like a beacon. Thankfully, someone walked out of the crowd and approached Jay, breaking down Jay’s stage fright – as well as the people starting to circle him.

“Hey mate, found anyone to party up with yet?” It was Mark.

“Not yet. I’m a melee class so it looks like I’ve got to find a ranger…”

Mark put his hand under his chin, as he reasoned “Well, not exactly. There’s twice as many melee recruits as there are rangers. We make up about half of all recruits. So at some point, there will be groups of two melee classes together – maybe even groups of two melee’s and a ranger I’m betting.” Mark smiled “But it’s a level two dungeon so they probably only want us in pairs so we each get a decent amount of experience”.

“Oh yeah, good thinking. Maybe if we wait long enough we could party up” Jay said “by the way, how-“

Before Jay could finish his question, he was interrupted by the muscular man’s hand on his shoulder. With a small fright, Jay looked up.

“Jay?” said the man.

“Yes… sir?”

“Michael, but you will call me captain. The guild master wants to see you again. Report immediately.”

Jay pursed his lips “Oh ok”

“Oh ok what?”

“Sorry, Yes captain.” Jay nodded.

Frowning, he made his way through the crowd. Everyone seemed to be excited and smiling except him.

‘Wonder what he wants this time.’ Jay thought. Entering administration, he was greeted by the kind old lady again who similarly told him to head upstairs to Sullivan’s office again. After knocking, the door was opened again with a sulking stare from the same blonde girl as before.

‘This is kind of stupid. Why bring me up here again.’ thought Jay as he sat down.

“Jay. Thanks for coming by again. For the dungeon today, you will be partying up with Anya here.” He gestured at Anya.

“She has been informed of your class and will keep it a secret – obviously, I couldn’t let you party up with the other adventurers or they would see your class.”

Jay looked confused “So people can see your class without a mana conduit?”

“Oh, I suppose you missed today’s lesson about your system. If you’re in a party, yes, along with your attributes, actual health, and mana pool”.

Anya began to walk to the large window behind Sullivan and observe the adventurers running around outside, while Jay was giving Sullivan a confused look “Oh.. ok.. Uhh, so how do I party up?”

Sullivan did a half-smile “Anya here can teach you.” he tilted his head to the left where Anya was standing.

Jay glanced at Anya – still staring out the large window behind the guild master. She turned back to give Jay an uncaring look, before gazing back out the window as she surveyed the recruits.