Chapter: 581
“Ex-research division three, sub-division eight, materials analyst number three-two, requesting a hearing”

The mage hunters didn’t move, but after a moment, its helmet tilted forward and looked directly at Viladore, immediately making him tense.

“Granted. Twenty Seconds.” a husky deep voice came from somewhere within the armour as the helmet looked upwards again.

Viladore knew what this meant and patiently waited in the hallway.

After exactly twenty seconds the mage hunter suddenly took a step to the side with a heavy thump as its foot landed, revealing the door behind it. Viladore knew this was his queue to enter.

While focusing on keeping his breathing calm, he slowly turned the handle.

As he stepped inside, Viladore felt even more tense.

Despite being a powerful mage, he felt like he walked into a room of wolves; each of them having the power and authority to execute him on the spot – and with relative ease at that.

Inside, two more guards stood at either side of the room, while two other mage hunters sat in front of a desk.

One more sat on the other side of the desk and was looking over files which included maps, recent events, and deaths. Still, none of them had removed their helmets as they looked over documents.

Viladore thought it was strange information to be looking at, but he ignored it as it was none of his business anyway.

Viladore saluted, remembering his old training, “Ex-researcher -”

“What do you want?” He was cut off mid-sentence.

Clearly, he was no longer recognised as a mage hunter.

“I- I was just seeing if I could offer my services and help in any way. I was part of the ma… safety bearers after all.” he nodded with a shaky smile.

One of the guards suddenly stepped forward and held out a goblet filled with a silvery liquid.

“I see.” Viladore nodded.

He knew exactly what he had to do. It was an identification practice, and he plunged his hand into it before slowly bringing it out again.

Some of the silvery liquid clung to his skin and remained on the top of his hand, forming words.

[Viladore. Telekine. Materials Research.]

Viladore held his hand out so that the mage hunter could read it before wiping the silver liquid back into the goblet.

“Hmph. You’re useless. Fuck off.” he grunted.

Viladore opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but no words came out as he feared saying anything may result in his death.

The pressure the guards were emitting on him only made it worse, and he realised he would probably just waste their time.

So far, the mage hunter officer only said a total of two sentences and Viladore only dreaded what he may say next; he was not willing to test his patience.