Chapter: 588
“Good. I am Lara, Sullivan may have told you about a safe place and I -”

“Well, he mentioned a Lannister.” Jay cut her off.

“…” Lara shook her head, disappointed that she wasn’t mentioned.

“…Lannister is my colleague and we are here to recruit you – but time is of the essence. Please come to the stink-rat marsh as soon as possible.”

Jay didn’t reply as he thought for a moment.

He hesitated to trust strangers, but Sullivan’s letter urged him to trust them, and he was without any other options for the moment other than to flee into the wilderness.

“I’ll be there.” he bit his lip and sighed as he replied.

“Come as soon as you can. Also, grab the items I left under your pillow. You’ll need them.”

“Right.” he nodded as he tossed his pillow aside.

He found a strange hexagonal silver ball which had polished sides; each of them were like tiny mirrors.

The other thing he found was a purple crystal.

“Add mana to the crystal until it disappears.” the voice said.

“Uh… so… I’ll do it when I leave the guild.” Jay said slowly; he was still unsure if his necrotic mana would trigger some sort of advanced mage hunter alarm.

“Ok, well just hurry up and leave, we don’t have much time.”

Jay stashed away the items instead of analysing them; he decided to do it while he walked to Losla to save time.

“Be quiet, I’m about to open the door.” he said quietly to where her voice was coming from.

Lara disconnected from the crystal and turned to Lannister.

“He’s on his way.”

“Good,” he nodded as he stood up, “It’s ready, we just have to trigger it. I’ll set up more minor teleport traps in the forest, just in case.”

“Good. Anya should be here soon too.”

Viladore watched Jay exit the guild as his black cube stopped growing again. He overheard the conversation between Lara and Jay as he had his own listening device in the room.

“Fuck… dammit, fuck… what do I do.” he gritted his teeth.

His future was slowly walking right out of the guild; his mind was running as it looked for ideas.

Suddenly his lips curled into an evil grin.