Chapter: 592
“It seems he has stolen one of your gambesons from the guild laundry area too.”

It was a reasonable lie, as the guild had been ‘gifted’ with laundry duty for the mage hunters.

The mage hunter slammed their fist down on the table, causing a shimmer of mana to travel across it as the table was reinforced with magic.

The mage hunter officer stared at Viladore for a moment; waves of killing intent quickly filled the room and almost made Viladore feel like he was suffocating.

The mage hunter seemed like they wanted to sentence the thief to death, but now Viladore had to spend the next few minutes trying to diffuse the mage hunter.

He wanted a strong enough reaction so that they would bother with arresting Jay, but not so strong that they would execute him. It seems that Viladore miscalculated.

Still, Viladore had the gambeson in his inventory, so he could simply ‘find’ it again and say it was misplaced.

As for the other ‘stolen’ item, well, Jay still had the goblin wand which was originally a gift.

Viladore thought that his ex-mage hunter status, along with Jay having ‘stolen’ his goblin wand, would be enough to gain wardenship of Jay.

Viladore was then removed from the room – unsure if they were going to act at all. Such was the nature of the mage hunters.

– – –

Jay remained staring from the alleyway as the guard suddenly saw Jay’s butcher shop, their boots cracked up parts of the cobblestone street as they stopped their momentum immediately.

“What is he doing…”.


“H-!” Jay had to stop himself from yelling as he watched on in horror.

The guard suddenly jumped right through the front window of his shop, his house, shattering the glass and leaving a large hole behind.

Another mage hunter showed up shortly after and didn’t even need to kick the door open – they simply ran through it like it was paper.

Screaming and yelling sounded as more things continued to smash within the shop.

Suddenly a young man’s limp body was effortlessly tossed out of the shop.

Trenly was thrown through the window, his body scraping across the street before it squirmed from pain.

Jay stepped back slightly, hiding more of himself in the alleyway. He couldn’t blink as he watched on, powerless to do anything.

A mage hunter jumped back out through the window and stood over Trenly.

“Argh! Someone help!” he called with no answer.

Trenly’s arm was broken as he writhed in pain in the street; all the onlookers didn’t make a sound as they feared the mage hunters. All they could do was watch.

The mage hunter stood over Trenly with a hint of anger in his eyes.