Chapter: 598
“I see. Wait a second.” Lara said to Jay as she turned to Lannister.

“The mage hunters have surrounded Losla. They won’t let anyone leave.”

“Okay. We’ll initiate the backup plan. Jay has the warp-disruptor so he should be able to make it to us without a problem… Are you ready to do this?”

Lara stood up; all her usual playfulness and casual attitude was gone. She was ready to carry out her part of the mission as she nodded.

“Alright. Get ready.” Lannister said as he turned towards the entrance of the stink-rat marsh.

“Get ready.” Lara said to Jay through the crystal once more.

Lannister began to trigger the magic symbols he lay around the dungeon entrance. Golden runes all appeared and soon began floating, swirling and circling the dungeon before breaking and combining in the centre of the shallow pool entrance.

The last symbol broke and entered a floating golden orb that had formed and was radiating a seemingly divine golden energy as it slowly began to pulse. The air around it distorted vision like a gaseous vapour.

Suddenly, Lannister and Lara turned their faces away and closed their eyes.


The golden orb suddenly exploded in a flash of light; a thick wave of mana rolled out from it and passed through everything around them before continuing through the forest.

Once the golden orb has disappeared, a single point was left, a black dot in reality.

The black dot moved upwards and tore apart reality as it cut open a line in space.

The empty gap began spinning and formed a spindle shape. It crackled with dangerous energy as it built up unimaginable speed – and suddenly, it opened up into a circle..

The familiar silvery flat surface greeted Lannister who smiled back at his own reflection. Another successful portal to mirror reality thirty-four was established.

However, for safety precautions, this one would only let a certain number of people through before closing: Lannister, Lara, Anya and Jay.

Lara pulled out the communication crystal again to contact Jay.

– – –

~Losla, Alley~

“What the fuck was that…” A wave of energy washed over Jay’s mind and he instinctively looked in the direction it came from: the stink-rat marsh.

Next, he heard Lara’s voice again.

“Jay, you have to come now. This is your only chance. I’m sorry we can’t do more.”

“Thank you.” Jay said as he put away the crystal.

Peering back out of the alleyway, the mage hunters had just put away their communication crystals again and were already on the move.

Suddenly, they all ran off in the direction of the energy signature. Obviously whatever that was took priority over guarding this small town.