Chapter: 602
Going back to Losla was not possible, as he would be identified soon enough.

The stink-rat marsh would be swarming with mage hunters now, and Lara told him not to come, and to flee Losla instead.

Before he was contacted by Lara, he planned to flee Losla anyway, so he went with that plan.

He turned around and gave Losla one last look. He was tempted to go back, if only for a few supplies, but after making a ‘quick stop’ at the butchery he cast those thoughts aside.

If the mage hunters surrounded the town and he got trapped there again then it would probably be over for him..

The stink-rat marsh was in the south-west, so Jay ran towards the south-east.

He quickly left the dirt road before anyone would see him. Thankfully there were not many adventurers around as they had been forced to wait in Losla.

He assumed the mage hunters knew he was a necromancer – why else would they be looking for him?

Of course, he didn’t know that he was merely wanted as a petty thief; a lie weaved by Viladore to trap him.

As Jay ran deeper into the forest, he sensed the marks he had put on the soldiers, and it seemed they had reached the marsh and were spreading out now.

At their speed, it seemed like they may even find him.

“A search party?” he wondered.

The forest was blooming with life as it came into the spring season; the bushes and foliage had both pros and cons: It slowed him down, but also hid him from sight.

With all of this running through Jay’s mind, he realised he had to take action: the marks were getting closer – their heavy suits of armour ignored the vegetation as they smashed through it, so he decided it was now a necessity to throw them off his trail.

Jay re-summoned his level 1 skeletons for protection from forest critters and then found a large tree to lean against.

The forest floor was still cold from winter, but he ignored it as he leant himself against its roots and began his plan, picturing Red in his mind as he used the [Host] skill.

Back in Losla, the skeletons were still lying still under a trash pile. They were perfectly still as their bodies had no biological functions. Completely dormant.

Suddenly, one of them began to move from under the pile, and shortly after the other skeletons all jumped off of each other and scrambled out of the trash pile, responding to their master’s mental orders.

They all lined up – but this time, they lined up in front of Red.

*clack clack clack*

Red’s jaw jiggled and snapped, though no noise came out; however, it seemed that its orders were heeded as the skeletons all began to slowly move to the end of the alleyway.

A person walked by and then quickly ran off as they saw five skeletons all staring at them silently; their dark-green hungry eyes almost beckoning them to step closer to the alley.

“No turning back now.” Jay thought, peering at people through the eyes of Red.

Instantly the skeletons all sprinted out of the alleyway and dashed through the streets. They were weaving between buildings as onlookers scratched their heads in confusion.