Chapter: 607
Currently he had one squad searching Losla, another searching the west, and another searching the south-west near the stink rat marsh for any other necromancy signs.
Since the skeletons came from within Losla, there were likely to be traces of the necromancer somewhere in the small town.
A fourth squad was with him in the guild, but at the moment they were mostly focused on removing dead bodies and making sure the building wasn’t about to fall down; the revolt had caused serious structural damage.
Even the timing of the guards’ revolt seemed peculiar, and Marsh didn’t believe that these events were separate or coincidental.
Three big events happened all within an hour: The Losla guard revolt, the rebel mana signature, and the skeletons running out of town.
He was sure they were connected somehow, and he believed it was just a matter of time before he found out.
Suddenly a mage hunter entered the room and stood at attention.
“Report.” Marsh said in an annoyed tone, not even looking up from the paperwork and notes on his desk.
“The guards which didn’t revolt have been relieved of their duties for the time being. We have control of Losla. Viladore survived the fight and is imprisoned but he wishes to leave urgently. All the other guild staff have been sent home, though there are some who lived here who we have relocated into tents in the courtyard.”
Marsh looked across his notes for a moment and scratched his chin.
“Viladore… he reported a thief right before this all happened,” he thought for a moment before he looked up from his notes.
“Why did Sullivan attack him?” Marsh asked.
“We will find out.” the mage hunter nodded, but before he could turn to leave, Marsh stopped him.
“Wait. I will find out for myself,” he grinned, “I haven’t used my tools in a while anyway.”
Some time later, screams began to ring out from the ruins of the association; Viladore’s desperate screams.
It wasn’t long before they became coarse guttural screams that no longer even sounded human.
Jay was silently following and directing his little two-hander skeleton, Handy, through the forest.
So far, he sensed the marks he placed on the mage hunters had gone west of Losla as well as back to the guild, but as he went further south it was harder to recognise where they were exactly. He went from knowing their exact location to having a vague sense of which direction they were in.
Jay travelled as quickly as he could, jumping over logs, dashing across streams and hopping across moss-covered rocks as he came closer and closer to the tip of the mountain range.
Thankfully, the vegetation was thinning out as he got closer, so his skeleton rarely had to cut open a path anymore.
Jay was also glad as it seemed that there were not many forest animals around to distract him or his skeleton, as they were probably scared off by the large mana wave from the stink-rat marsh.
This made the journey quite uneventful, but it was perhaps for the best.
It may not always be like this though, as there was the possibility that some aggressive creatures would be attracted to the mana pulse, so Jay made the most of it as he covered as much ground as he could.
*huff huff huff*