Chapter: 611
Everything was ready except for Heavy’s shield.

Reaching the rock, Jay felt around the edges and pulled himself up before he pulled bones out of his ring.

In no time, hundreds of helvetian skeletons soon formed a rough barricade around the top of the rock, almost making it appear like a giant bird nest.

If anything, Jay probably went overboard.

This would at least block any wolves trying to jump up though, at least for a moment.

Blue, Sweeper and Dark guarded three sides of the bone-nest, while Heavy and Handy, being level one, guarded the fourth side together.

Jay had Red jump into the bone-nest with him; Red had the guard role after all and if a wolf got in, Jay would be helpless without any vision.

Jay and his skeletons were ready, and they steeled themselves, quiet as they readied for battle.

“…something is different” he thought.

It was too quiet.

The howling noises all stopped.

Suddenly a wave of air blew past Jay’s ears.




[30 Exp]

A sword swept right near Jay’s ears as it ringed past; his cheek was splashed by something.

A screech, and another sword swing, and he got an exp notification.

“What the fuck?” he wiped his cheek, smelling iron.

Blood was splashed on his face.

“Scriii!” Another shrill yell sounded – yet it came from somewhere above.

Jay panicked for a moment and ducked, holding deathwalkers sentry in the air.



His shield was scraped, but Red slashed back.