Chapter: 640
But how did this fit into what Norgrim was going to do?


Sylvia knocked once on the door.

Norgrim raised an eyebrow, unsure if the noise was simply the door creaking or not, “…come in?”

Sylvia opened the door with a cold glare.

She was short with shoulder-length dark hair, but she created an uneasy pressure whenever she was in a room as if he was a giant.

While he gaze was cold, it wasn’t that she was angry, this was just how she was. An odd girl, a feared outcast.

Most of the other adventurers avoided her and gave her plenty of space. They didn’t want to risk catching one of her parasites if they stood too close. Some of the more paranoid students believed that the whole academy had already been infected by her tiny creatures, and if she snapped her fingers they would all be hopelessly massacred.

However, Sylvia herself was oblivious to the fear she created in others, though she wouldn’t have cared either way, as she was focused on her research.

She closed the door as she entered the room, and instead of sitting down, she simply stood there right next to it, staring awkwardly at Norgrim from across the room.

“Hi.” she said quietly.

Even Norgrim felt a little uneasy, but ignored her odd behaviour as he knew what she was like, and that she didn’t mean any harm. She was simply misunderstood, like most of the variants were.

“Sylvia, good to see you. I have a little job I think you’ll be interested in…” he leant forward on his desk with a smile.

~Somewhere near Hollow Forest, between a long slender desert and cliffs of a sprawling tall mountain range~

[Your skeleton has been slain]


Jay looked back towards the tip of the mountain range, as Sweeper just died somewhere near there.

He was about two to three hours away from there, so he was safe for now, however the skeletons death only meant one thing: he was being followed – hunted.

“Dammit… I bet its that grey beast,” Jay pursed his lips, “I guess it noticed me after all.”

At the time when Jay first noticed the beast chasing the deer, he had hid behind a rock, and he didn’t even see the beast look his way, but it seemed that this was simply a ruse to give Jay a false sense of security and let his guard down.

Fortunately, Jay was a paranoid person.

Jay summoned Sweeper again. Instead of crafting a new weapons, he made Red give it the bone spear he recently crafted, while Red reclaimed its sword.

Originally, Sweeper only had one arm and no weapon when he left it on lookout duty, and Jay didn’t expect it to live for long, but now it was armed – both with a weapon and with literal arms. Jay believed it wouldn’t be long before he received an experience point notification of the pursing beast dying.

After all, most things outside of the dungeons near human settlements were low level.

The spear itself would be useful against a charging beast too, as it had the [Anti-charge] ability.