Chapter: 68
[Gate Challenge To Floor 2 Requirements Met]

[Requirement – 172 Green Crystals]

“Anya, looks like we have to socket our crystals into it”

Anya frowned, realising she had to give up six crystals for two sides.

“I wonder why it requires us to have more than 12 crystals though…” Jay said as he socketed his crystals into the obelisk.

As Jay and Anya socketed the crystals in, they turned from green to blue and began to glow..

When the final crystal was in place, a whole dungeon shook as if there was a massive earthquake.

All the other obelisks sank into the ground, leaving only square black bottomless holes in their place.

Below Jay and Anya, a red ring appeared – above them, a white ring, yet it didn’t glow.

Swarms of Bayring’s came spewing out of the black holes – all charging up, spinning as they prepared to fire.

“Shit!” Jay looked around wondering why he wasn’t being drawn into the ring and teleported out, looking up and yelled “Well come on then!”

Anya noticed that more holes opened up on the obelisk “We have to put in more crystals!”

Jay sprang into action as he began to madly dash around the obelisk and slam his green crystals into them, each side of the obelisk taking fifty crystals each.

A bayring drew closer and threatened the adventurers – Jay made muffin take the graze attack until getting a burn status while Jay frantically fumbled his crystals.

-3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -6

Another Bayring flew near Anya as she shot her crossbow at it, sending it sprawling off into the flowing crowd of bayrings – the Bayrings were still endlessly spewing out of the numerous black holes, all heading for the duo.

Anya didn’t even bother to reload, she was looking worried as she ignored everything else at this point, slamming the crystals into the sockets.

Jay was suddenly grazed from behind; he activated his ring, the bones left the ring and formed a floating defensive barrier between himself and the bayring’s as he summoned the Don’s – outside the dungeon, the Don’s old bodies turned to small piles of mangled soap-rat bones.


The Don’s reformed and Jay sent one to guard Anya while the other guarded himself.

At this point, Muffin was destroyed, charr marks all over it’s remaining bones.

The Don protecting Jay was destroyed shortly after, while the one protecting Anya lasted longer – Jay realised it had levelled up.

“I’ll check its stats later” he thought as he was about to get grazed.

“Just 10 more! How many do you have left, Anya?”

“Seven.. Six!” She popped another green crystal in.