Chapter: 685
“Investigate.” the voice hastily spoke again, adding “Three encountered an environmental hazard approximately two hours ago. An obstruction. No other communications since then.”

Two had a questioning look on his face, but decided not to say anything.

“Acknowledged.” he grunted, slamming a smaller boulder away with a shield bash.

Two decided to burn through much of his mana as he sprinted along the edge of the desert towards the crater left by Three.

The Sorah Protocol had been activated, and contrary to most opinions, it was used as a form of information control, of all things.

The mage hunter suits themselves held secrets, advanced technology, advanced heximistry, and hundreds of years of research.

Though on the outside they often looked like chipped or worn armour made from a sort of dark lustrous stone, each of them were technological masterpieces, and some would even say part of the reason humans were not yet extinct.

“Environmental hazard…” he thought, staring at the mountains, the mushroom-desert and then the forest. All three of these seemed as questionably dangerous as the others.

He knew that it was safe next to the desert so he ran forward.

Soon enough, he came the crater left behind.

Seeing how deep in the ground it was, he could only guess that it was underground.

A lot of the desert sand was streaming into the crater, while oddly, many mushrooms were left standing, their caps undamaged despite being so close to the force of the blast.

The edges of the crater had turned to a black tarry glass, still flowing slowly. The bottom was already covered with sand, which had since flowed in.

The explosion had created a divide in the desert, splitting it into two – the crater itself was about as wide as the desert.

Number Two quickly make a report.

“Two. Sorah Protocol confirmed. There’s nothing left but a smoldering crater.”

Again, he waited for a few moments as his commanders decided on what to do. They were most likely consulting directly with Marsh at this point since a mage hunter had died under his command.

Eventually a response came though.

“Three was crossing the desert, following the tracks of Jay. Continue tracking Jay.”

“It’s going to be hard since everything was fucking blown up.” Two thought. “Acknowledged.” he said.

Two slowly walked away from the crater and took a gentle step into the desert sands; his heavy armour sinking into the sand.

With every action he acted paranoid as he was trying to not become the second mage hunter to die today.

For a moment he watched and waited.


Next, he prodded the mushrooms with his shield.