Chapter: 809
“Maybe something to cover the arm joints and knees would be good too, as well as the neck area.”

Jay didn’t know the specific names of some of the armor pieces, but to him it really didn’t matter. As long as they worked, it was good enough.

“Hopefully we can get more of you equipped before leaving this dungeon.” he said, moving towards Handy who was deeper into the knight’s territory.

Handy had ceased moving, indicating that it was near an inhabited area.

“Seems like we’ll get plenty more chances to get armored up.” Jay thought, anticipating the coming battle.

Jay and his troops crept through the forest towards Handy, but as Jay got closer he didn’t see any signs of a castle or anything of the sort.

It would have been hard to see through the thick canopy, yet there would have still been glimpses of a dark monument looming through the leaves.

“Huh… no castle? So why did Handy stop…”

As they reunited with Handy, they walked a little further and finally Jay noticed a structure up ahead.

It was nothing like a castle, being far too small, almost insignificant in this forest.

Large slabs of granite covered with moss formed the base of a lonesome tower, peaking only just above the trees.

The creeping roots of the forest crawled up its walls, but were not large or numerous enough to threaten the tower, only making it half-way up its sides.

At the base were three more of the knights, and nearby them was a large pit of which Jay couldn’t see the bottom from where he was looking.

Yet what was strange about the pit was that it wasn’t being covered up by the endless weaving roots.

Jay began to plan, but seeing that there were only three knights, he didn’t get it much thought.

“Seems like it’s just a lookout tower. Could be more knights inside, but I don’t want to waste more time coming up with the perfect attack plan.”

(Take them out, then block the tower exit.) Jay glanced at Blue.

The skeletons assembled under Blue’s control before moving out.

Jay’s plan was a simple one, but one which was tried and tested: kill the enemies in a chokepoint - the tower’s exit.

It had served him well in two dungeons already, as well as when the wood elemental horde had attacked Losla - the choke point being made from other adventurers in that case. It had worked effectively in the mist keep dungeon too.

The skeletons had Handy with them now too, and five against three led the undead to an overwhelming victory.

Severing the spines, they made short work of the three knights outside the tower and quickly formed a blockade at the tower’s exit, a wall of death.

After a few moments though, only silence filled the empty tower.

“It’s either empty or they didn’t hear?”