Chapter: 815
His presence in the fight, along with the necrotic helminth and a few explosive tooth spells would definitely creates waves in the ebbs and flows of the battle, but there was one particular risk that caused a stir of fear in his heart - parasites.

It was the parasites which infested the bodies of the knights. If a single one landed on Jay’s flesh, he didn’t know what would happen.

Would they burrow into his skin, make their way into his lumbar and begin to eat through his spinal cord? Or would it simply slide off his skin? Would he even be able to stop such a parasite once inside his body?

He was not naive or wistful enough to hope that his necrotic mana would give him immunity. Parasites were a physical thing after all, and the other parasites currently residing in his arm already proved that his class wasn’t a magical cure-all.

Even as he thought these things, the battle continued and only convinced Jay not to join it. The swords of the skeletons were each coated in a disgusting slime-like blood, and each time a sword was pulled from the enemy’s armor, a slithering mess of parasites would come with it, spattering and flying everywhere.

“No. If I go down, it will all be over. I don’t need to be loyal to my skeletons. They will rise again, and I will not.” Jay thought, “I don’t need to go down like the lord of a crumbling castle. It’s just foolish.”

Yet just before Sweeper stumbled and staggered, Handy rejoined the battle - yet it didn’t help Sweeper, instead it pounced on the skeleton that Blue was fighting, wrapping its limbs around the knight and hugging its body.

Jay simply watched in amazement, “What is Blue planning…”

This one decisive moment was what Blue was counting on - it stepped between the knights, and plunged its sword into the spine of one of the three knights assaulting Red.

The two-handed knight raised its helmet, glancing around. One of these undead came back while one of its knights had perished? It knew something was wrong.

Next, Sweeper crumbled, the second skeleton to fall - yet the two-handed swordsman kept its head raised, analyzing the battle. It seemed to be calculating as it looked around, becoming more defensive in its fight with Lamp.

Red was now facing two knights, yet Blue was now joining it, making it a two on two fight - and using its new armor it would be able to shrug of a few hits while getting its sword close to the enemies spine.

Out of all the skeletons, Red was the most proficient in killing these types of enemies, and was the only skeleton to have won a one on one fight thus far.

In a few moments, Red managed to take another knight down, but before it could take another with it, reinforcements came. The knight’s that had destroyed Sweeper swarmed over, locking Blue and Red into a two versus three - though Handy was about to fall again, and it would soon be a two versus four, locking them into another losing defensive battle of attrition.

Jay quickly resummoned Sweeper and sent it back to the fight - yet he couldn’t help but wonder why the intelligent two-handed knight was not dominating and destroying Lamp.

“The normal knights can go even with a skeleton, so surely it can destroy Lamp whenever it pleases…?” he thought - but Jay soon had his answer.

As Sweeper ran from Jay’s position, the two-handed knight’s visor looked up and Jay could tell it was staring right at him, seeing his head poking from behind a tree. Jay had given away his own position, and by the relative ease with which the two-hander was fighting Lamp, Jay knew he was in trouble.

It’s focused eyes locked onto Jay’s position as it released a powerful swing with its sword, causing Lamp to jump back - yet it didn’t continue the engagement, instead, it sprinted towards Jay.


Jay stood up, after crouching behind the tree; his position was discovered. There was no point in hiding so he prepared to fight.

The two-hander knight was charging to Jay, while Sweeper was sprinting towards it, intercepting the enemy.

The knight had a target though, and it wasn’t going to let some measly skeleton stop it.

Holding its sword with one hand, it rested the blade on the back of its gauntlet and continued its charge, forcing Sweeper to either dodge or die.

Sweeper naturally side-stepped to dodge the hulking armored enemy, slashing at it as passed by - though no real damage was done as its sword scraped armor.

Immediately, Jay released a wall of bones from his gauntlet and a white barrier was made between himself and the knight. Unfortunately, it really was just a pile of bones. It had no structural stability or any real protection, and was tall as it was wide.