Chapter: 817
Unfortunately, Sweeper hadn’t yet reclaimed it’s weapon and was only like an annoying pest as it clung to the knight’s limbs and could only use its natural claws to rend through whatever gaps it could find.

The knight ignored the skeleton on its back and focused wholly on Jay.

A wide sweeping swing of the rustic two-handed sword caused a waving noise in the air as it closed in on Jay.

Its two armor-clad arms were working at full force as its whole body leaned backwards, and Jay doubted his helminth would be able to take another hit.

*Fwoosh! - BOONG~*

The blade was met with a solid block.

Deathwalker’s sentry appeared just in time as it materialized in Jay’s grip, though Jay was knocked away from his fallen sword.

Next, a dagger appeared in his other hand, but It wasn’t a bone dagger - it was one of the defensive spikes that Sweeper had previously crafted, and it was Sweeper who Jay tossed it to.

Sweeper scrambled to the ground to get the bone spike, while Jay spartan-kicked the enemy to get some distance.

It staggered back, and before it could swing again, Jay picked his sword up from the ground.

The enemy readjusted itself and checked it’s back, knowing that Sweeper could now pose a threat - yet Jay took this slight moment to step forward and plunged his sword into it’s neck.

It pierced deeply with a sponging squelch but had missed the spine, if only by a few centimeters.

The knight seemed to grunt - still having the use of its vocal cords. Jay was too close for it to make use of its long weapon.

Normally getting this close would be a good strategy - unfortunately Jay had acted far too brashly and forgot about one crucial threat on his enemy.

The knight held its sword with one hand, and its free hand was now flying right towards Jay’s stomach.

​ “Fuck” Jay’s eyes widened.

Immediately he recalled how Lamp had parasites and eggs pumped into its skin suit when then enemy pierced its stomach.

Jay stared in shock and time seemed to slow down. If that pierced his stomach and sent eggs into his body, it would be all over. Even if he won this fight, his life was forfeit, and all that would await him would be an excruciating death.


A necrotic bolt appeared from the ethereal jaws of the helminth, but the blast of necrotic energy met the knight’s armor, dissipating into wisps of the sickly green mana on either side of the knights arm.

Its magic had no effect on the armor. The helminth’s ethereal body was not yet long enough to protect Jay’s stomach either.

“It’s over.”

The knight’s hand landed on Jay’s stomach.


Jay curled forward, the blow sending the air out of his lungs - yet he smiled.