Chapter: 819
Blue, Red and Lamp were fighting four knights. While Red could hold off two of them, Blue could not. If Blue went down, then soon Red would fall to a group of four enemies.

After that, Jay would have to deal with four extra knights - and at the time, he was dealing with the two-handed intelligent knight.

As for Handy, well, it was still dead.

Yet with Lamp there, Blue was able to fight only one, and using Lamp’s unique weapons, Blue was able to do some more maneuvers to move behind the knights and slay them.

It was only a matter of time before they were all slain.

“As reliable as ever” Jay smiled with a nod, praising Blue.

With all the knight’s dead he let the skeletons feast to their heart’s content, munching on the bone barrier he had summoned.

Jay watched over them as they consumed before him, and he allowed the helminth off his body so it could heal itself. The amulet that was the parasite’s body had a crack, but after it had some time to regenerate in it’s [Natural Form] of bones and spines, it was back to normal. Fully healed, it rested back onto Jay’s shoulders in its ethereal [Sentinel Form], it’s physical body compacting back into the amulet again.

Seeing that everything was in order, Jay let out a relaxed sigh, giving himself a moment to think after the battle - though he re-summoned Handy and let it join the others, soon reclaiming its weapon.

While the battle went well, one thing was a cause for concern. The one intelligent enemy had charged at Jay directly, realizing quickly that Jay was the source of the undead skeletons.

One intelligent enemy was bad - but what if there were more of these smart enemies? Well, Jay would just have to adapt, and he already had a few ideas in mind, but for now there were other priorities.

Jay opened his exp notification, once again pleased with his bounty.

[805 Exp]

Jay still had to loot his enemies too, but even if there was nothing, just getting this exp was reward enough - however there were a few other things to do first.

Glancing at the body of the intelligent knight, he wondered what made it so different from the others. In the mind of Jay, learning his enemies weaknesses was more important that getting a few pieces of armor anyway.

“Time for an autopsy,” he thought, standing over its corpse.

Jay began the autopsy of the intelligent two-handed swordsman knight.

Sweeper had already ripped its helmet off as it frantically stabbed its neck, and seeing what was underneath had made Jay curious.

The head did not have sunken eyes and the flesh was not gray and decaying. If anything, the enemy looked quite healthy, having plump cheeks - though they were not rosy, but a pale green color.

​ His blood had since been replaced by whatever green fluid sustained these creatures.

Jay believed they could even speak and communicate to some degree, as these knights, apparently, had a deal with the cannibals.

During the fight, Jay had planned to use his analyze skill on one, though there was either no time or they were too far away.

“The head’s nearly removed anyway, so we might as well pop it off…”

Jay stepped back, out of the firing range of stray fluids.