Chapter: 825
“Dammit… it won’t be long until we run into more knights.” Jay clenched his jaw, and stuck to its tail.

Thinking through all of his skills and options, he made a quick decision.

“I’ll have to use the boots again… but will it be enough?”

A locked dungeon was dangerous for one reason: you could not leave it until it was finished.

It’s only benefit to its captives was that time would flow more quickly in the dungeon - at least in this case anyway.

Jay was completing it quickly - however if this one knight slipped away, it would not only affect how quickly he could complete the dungeon, but would affect his life in the real world too. The knight posed more danger to Jay than it would ever realize.

The armored knight in front of him was heavily stomping each step like a nail in Jay’s coffin.

Handy was battering its smaller two-handed sword behind the knights knees, but it was never finding the right spot as its legs moved too quickly.

Jay stored his weapons and shield in his inventory so he could focus on running, and while he planned to use his magic boots for another shield bash, he first pulled out a bone spear.

He stabbed the back armor of the knight, trying to send it toppling forwards, harassing it madly with numerous strikes.

The knight quick adapted and leaned backwards; Jay was only helping it run.

“Dammit.” He grunted.

Jay didn’t want to use his makeshift shield bash technique, as if he missed it, it would only create a bigger problem as he would slam into a tree or miss completely.

Yet as the shield was brought out, the knight suddenly turned.

Placing the pommel of its sword against a tree it slowed its momentum and swung its shield back.

Jay smashed heavily against the knight shield, deathwalker’s sentry pressing firmly back against it, only just raised in time.

He was not expecting this sudden change in behavior.

The knight’s arm gave way to Jay’s impact and only its armor stopped it from being irreversibly damaged.

Being this close to each other, the knight thrust its sword.


Jay’s abdomen offered little restraint against the sword piercing it, and the helminth was protecting his neck area, unable to block in time.


All he could do was grit his teeth as he reeled from the attack, trying to regain his balance.

Thankfully these were only level four enemies, and not much damage could be done - at least to Jay’s hit points.