Chapter: 827
“Bastard.” Jay said, standing up.

Waving his hand over the corpse he got another loot notification - though he still had not read the other one he had from earlier, and two pieces of loot were now waiting for him.

Jay helped Handy from under the corpse and sent it to pick up his shield before heading back to his other minions.

It was easy to find the way back as he simply had to follow the thick flesh-like root.

Jay had left this group of three knights surrounded by four trusty skeletons.

It was enough to hold them off and to kill them, but it seems that Blue decided to wait until Jay got back before trying to slay them.

Battles could be hazardous, random, and sometimes the unexpected happened, and it seemed that Blue was not willing to risk another knight escape while its master was gone.

Sure there was some fighting, but it was always defensive on the side of the skeletons as they kept the trio of knight hemmed in from all sides.

As there was an intelligent knight among them, it helped to keep the other two lesser knights in a defensive formation. Not only were they effectively covering each others backs, but the intelligent knight was a better fighter too.

Though as Jay returned to the area, all hell broke loose.

Master was back, so it was time to attack.

The intelligent knight was slain first; Blue and Red each recklessly charged into a confrontation with the intelligent knight. Sweeper and Lamp each took the attention of the other two lesser knights.

A reckless wide swing was met with a resounding clunk of Red’s metal chest piece, and Blue was spared from damage as it dashed behind the knight, plunging its sword mercilessly into the armor, wiggling it around without care.

[115 Exp]

Blue and Red each moved onto the back of the other two knights, repeating the same steps.

The last two fell without incident.

[230 Exp]

“Damn, I kinda wanted to analyze one of them. Never thought I’d complain about killing enemies too quickly.” Jay shook his head at himself, but a hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

It was over so quickly it was almost like it was rehearsed.

After their bodies fell and their heavy armors went silent, silence finally returned to the forest.

Jay stood silently for a moment, glad that the battle was over. As he looked over all the dead knights around him, part of him thought he would feel glory or even shout for joy, but ultimately he just felt empty. While it made him stronger, there was something so senseless about it.

“In the grand scheme of things, these were simply parasites trying to survive and I am just here to eradicate them.” He nodded.

(Loot everything. Use it if you need it or bring it to me.)

The skeletons checked over all the dead bodies, looting fifteen in total which hadn’t been looted yet.

Jay checked the loot he received from the two intelligent knights he himself had slain.