Chapter: 830
[Undeath] (Passive)

[Fear] (Weak) (Passive)

[Shade Vision] (Passive)


[An abomination, its existence spits in the face of life and death - and they spit back. Stop it before it’s too late. Execute with extreme prejudice. Burn the bones.]

<[Evolution Available]>

[Please choose a role from available categories - Available categories are based on the skeleton's qualitative experience. If no choice is made, a random role will be assigned once the skeleton levels up.]

[Commander] (1)

[Guard] (1)

[False Hope] (1)

[Rear Guard] (1)




Jay saw the option he wanted, the zweihander - but now there was a new role he hadn’t seen: the ‘champion’ role.

“Champion… huh.” Jay scratched his chin, thinking for a moment.

Jay only knew about the zweihander role because Red once had the option, but now there was the champion role.

“Hmm… while Red wasn’t trained specifically to be a zweihander, it did have the role available. Since Handy was trained specifically for it, it obviously got the role - but now there’s a new role. I’m guessing it’s an even more specialized role?”

Since zweihander was available to a skeleton which only used a two-handed weapon a few times, the champion role unlocked for a skeleton which did nothing but use a two-handed weapon.

It was logical of Jay to assume that the champion role was therefore more accustomed to fighting with, solely, a two-handed weapon.

It was far too intriguing, and Jay’s choice was obvious.

“Champion is simply too rare to pass up.” He nodded, locking in the choice.

Handy was now the same level and height as the other level four skeletons now, and before Jay could start his march, Handy was wanting more bones - undoubtedly to upgrade its weapon.

“Ah… I suppose we have some time.” Jay pursed his lips and sat down.

“It will be better to do it before the fight ahead anyway.”